Tuesday, October 6, 2015

people are strange, when you're a lone

It's a weird world

     Emily fixed my e-mail.  Evidently there are three places to enter a password.  I changed my password in two of the three places.  Emily discovered my error and fixed it.  Several people have now gotten e-mails I wanted to send two days ago.  Sorry.
     My night time tea tastes funny.  I have on a flavored lip gloss because my lips are dry.  I guess the gloss has a strange effect on the taste of the tea.  It is not a good effect, but not bad enough to wipe off the lip gloss.
     Our AC went on today.  I was sitting in the bedroom and it was getting cold.  So I opened the bathroom window and the condensor was running.  We have a Nest thermostat.  I thought I set the cooling temp to 76 because if we turn off the AC we have to put on the heat in order to keep the fan running.  We like the fan running.  Circulates the air.  Cuts the noise of the dog snoring.  Guess I was wrong.
    I rode my bike for the first time in a week and realized how little time is left for outdoor activities.  I still have to wash windows and wash and wax both cars. You would think I could get that done easily.  But I won't be able to do it the following week because I will be prepping for my big C.......and I think outdoor activities will be curtailed.
    Work on my Oct. 4 presentation is progressing.  TC, "the phrase if you have to explain it, it isn't funny" will probably come up once or twice.  My fear is:  What if nobody laughs?
    Why does my nose hair grow so fast?  Emily, you laughed when you gave me the trimmer, but I use it quite often....more than I like, actually.
     So, a pilot died in the cockpit in the middle of a flight.  That has always been one of my fears.  Thank heaven for copilots.
     I finally finished filing paper.  Until tomorrow, when more comes in the mail.
     A committee I am on accommodated my schedule by changing a meeting date to tomorrow night.      Yes, I forgot the play off game.  I feel I have to attend because they scheduled it around me.  I think I can attend via Skype....but I am not sure.  Maybe there will be a rain delay in Pittsburgh.  Or a last minute cancellation.  I just don't get dates.
     There was a free coin appraisal last week at First National Bank.  Had a little card with the date.  I have 50 silver dollars in the safety deposit box and thought it would be good to get a value on them.
     I still have the card with the date.  Maybe next time.
     I know the flooding in South Carolina is terrible, but check out Cannes in France.  Torrential rains flooded parking garages, trapping and killing several unsuspecting motorists.  At least 19 died in the rain of a century.
     Rain of the century.  That's what they said in the South.
     Maybe scientists should start thinking about what's causing these strange wether patterns.  Oh, wait....
     Suddenly I feel like it is 110 in here.  I am actually sweating.

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