Tuesday, October 20, 2015

not to be

My bubble just burst, my dream ended

     Yes, I am talking Cubs, again.
     I honestly believed they would take three straight in Chicago.  The bats would come alive, the pitching would be excellent, the fans into the game.......
     It was not meant to be.
     Now, I am not giving up.  After all, the Mets won 3 straight against the Cubs so anything is possible.
     But I have tempered my dreams a little.
     I want to see the Cubs who beat the Cardinals show up for the next four games.  Those guys were great, these guys not so great.
     It could be the Mets pitching.  It could be the weather.  It could be the goat.
     Whatever, these guys just didn't have the winning feeling in this series.  Maybe they took the Mets too lightly.
     Then I have to remember last spring I thought they would make the wild card game.  Winning that and beating the Cards were more than I had hoped.
     But when you see that golden ring hanging from the carousal's post, you always think you can grab it and be the winner.
     Often, that ring is just out of reach.
     I don't want the season to end........ spring is too far away at this point.
    So, one more time:  Let's Go!!

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