Monday, October 26, 2015

deja vu all over again

This is the year of the moves

     Today I helped Emily and John move for the third time this year.  It's getting easier with every move.
     The first move was hard.  We were picking up pieces of our lives and having friends and family sort and clean the mess in our garage.  The second move was to the dreaded rental house, the one with three bedrooms and one bathroom.  It served its purpose though.
    Today's move was fairly easy.  Not a lot of possessions, or things like clothes.  Neighbors came with two strong young men to carry the mattresses, bed frames and tv.  But most of the stuff was easily handled by one or two people.
      They are now in their new old house.  It was funny watching the dogs explore.  You could tell Cooper remembered the house, and he ran like a crazy dog when he hit the yard.  All the dogs ran, even Bennett, who generally just walks around.
     There is still work to be done, but it eventually will be finished.
     This is the second daughter I helped move this year.  Julia's move was more work because she has a 15 year accumulation of furniture, clothes and stuff.  But watching the mountains and lake made it a worthwhile experience.
     I doubt I will help either one move again.  After all, if either girl lives in the same place for 10 years, that means I will be 78 when they move again....way to old to pack or unpack.
     Hell, I'll probably be moving then.  I think a nice two bedroom in San Gabriel would be a good choice.
    Too bad those don't have basements for all my stuff.  So, I better start now at getting rid of all my valuables.
     Anybody want to buy a fish decoy?

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