Sunday, November 1, 2015

ohhhh red, I love ya

I have to do my blog early tonight

     Part of it is because the Green Bay/Denver game is on and I want to watch Green Bay whomp on the Broncos.  No special reason.  As a Bear fan, it is hard to root for the Packers, but after watching the Bears today, I think I could even root for the 49'ers, and they stink big time.
     I adjusted my attic fans today.
     Now, for the uninitiated, I hate ladders.  I had to put up a step ladder to move the drywall opening out of the way.  Then I had to put up an extension ladder to actually get in the attic.
     I had my big flashlight and my big screwdriver.  The attic fans have a setting for temperature and humidity.  My fans seem to run a lot at night, and I wanted to make sure the settings were ok.
     I always fear I will misstep and fall through the drywall.
     But checking and resetting the numbers was easy.
     I did drop my screwdriver in the foot of insulation and didn't find it, but that happens.  It's not the first one I have lost up there.
     Cooking dinner was hard, however.
     It was such a great day, I figured we could grill a couple of small steaks. Jackie put together some potatoes, carrots, green peppers and wrapped that in foil.
     I figured cook that about 15 minutes before starting the steaks.
     I started the grill, put on the potatoes and enjoyed a glass of wine on the patio.  After about 15 minutes, I looked and the grill was only at 200 degrees.  I turned all the burners up and put the steaks on.
     And I had another glass of wine,  enjoying the cool evening on the patio.
     The grill dropped to almost zero.
     I don't know why.  So I turned everything off, restarted it and went in the house for something to drink.
     I did get the steaks done.  They were not burned.  And the dinner was actually quite good, especially when accompanied by a fine Swiss red!
     But I tell ya, I am awfully tired.  I can't see real well either.  And I am a little dizzy.
     I don't know if it is the time change or the fourth glass of wine, but I think it will be an early nite.
Go Pack!

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