Saturday, October 3, 2015

just shut my mouth, please

I say yes too many times

     Tomorrow is desk day.
     I am going to clean the desk and dust the den.
     Then I am going to work on next week’s assignment.
     Sometimes I say things I should not say, like “yes.”
     I was asked to be a speaker at the upcoming DAR program next Sunday.  I was asked to do a talk on the history of Rochelle.  The first three choices were not available, so someone asked me.
     I said yes, thinking how hard can it be to put together a program about the history of Rochelle?
     I planned to talk about the explorers, early settlers, organization of the city, famous people past and present.....  I had the backbone of a short, yet informative, history of Rochelle.
     I got an advance copy of the program and it says that I will be presenting a humorous skit on Rochelle’s history.  Skit implies more than one person and maybe a script.
     I have none of that.
     Once I get the desk cleaned off, and my mind uncluttered, I will work on the skit.  But how do I do a one person skit?  And how do I make history funny?  How long should it be?
     My first thought is a kind of trivia challenge....asking one or two people the same question and having them write the answers down.  Of course, the questions will not be normal, neither will the answers.
     They will be historically based and true.  
     And on Oct. 24 I have to present a 20 or 25 minute program at the historical society dinner....again, a humorous look at Rochelle.  How much can I duplicate what works from one week to another? 
     This is hard for me.  
     Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.

     And I am putting no in my vocabulary.

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