Monday, October 19, 2015

how can you look it up if you can't spell it

I gave out dictionaries today

     Each year the Rotary Club passes out dictionaries to third graders.
     I was fortunate to deliver dictionaries to Eswood and Kings.  They don't have large classes, which      I think can be a very beneficial to youngsters.  the extra attention can help them grow and can offer some quality teacher/student time.
     On the other hand, it can limit what you do in the classroom.  If you have a couple of kids out sick,  you end up repeating a lot of what you already taught.
     I love the atmosphere of the schools too.  I notice that same child centered atmosphere at Tilton and Lincoln too.....lots of kids art and work hanging in hallways and classrooms. You can tell its a place for kids and about kids.  I know May and Central are that way too, but I have not been in those schools for a couple of years.  Time flies.
     I was shocked that the dictionaries did not list Pluto as one of the planets.  Damn those astrophysicists!  Pluto will always be a planet in my heart and mind.
     I'm to old to learn new stuff.
     Which brings me to my recent dilemma.
     I have an update on my PC.  In order to install it, I have to enter my password.  I did.  It isn't.
     So now I have to retrieve my password by entering my Apple ID.  I did, it isn't.  I just get a little frazzled.
     I am having trouble with pictures everywhere.  On my PC, I can't get to recent pictures unless I scroll through the older ones.  I got the computer in 2011 and there are a lot of pictures to scroll through.  There has to be an easier way, but I can't seem to find it.
     John came over and played with my computer.  He can't see why I can't download pictures like I have been doing.  He suggested a new hub.  The same message keeps popping up.  I fear it is a problem with the computer hardware.  Paying a couple of hundred dollars to fix a 6 year old computer may not be worth it.
     And so it goes.
     If you read this blog regularly, you will see some familiar themes:  I can't handle technology.  I can't remember a password, even after I write them down.
     There has to be a better way.

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