Thursday, October 29, 2015

hi ho, hi ho, a camping we will go

This weekend is the annual guys camping trip

     And it does not look good.
     The forecast is calling for rain....a lot of it.
     Now, that doesn't automatically stop us.  One year we drove out to the Mississippi Palisades in Savannah in a blinding downpour.  The forecast said rain in the morning, but clearing in the afternoon.
     We got to the park about 2 and sat in our cars for a couple of hours watching the rain continue to fall.  We then wisely called it a day.
     We've camped when it snowed during the night and the ground had a dusting on it in the morning.  We've camped in cold weather, mild weather and warm weather....but usually cold.
     We generally meet up at the Rafters on Ill. 20 just near Lena.  We have lunch, a couple of beers, (one of the few times I drink beer!) then head to the park and find a spot.  Usually there are not a lot of campers....because it is cold.
     We put up a couple of tents, arrange the wood for a fire, go for a hike, then start a fire and cook supper before sitting around the fire warming ourselves, telling jokes, and smoking cheap cigars.
     I set my shoes on fire once.  I've nearly suffered frostbite a couple of times.
     I don't sleep well on the rough ground, hate using the pit toilets, miss a morning shower, and generally have a great time.
     There were some warning signs this year.
     I could not find my tent.  Or my sleeping pad.  Roger can't make it.
     Usually the tent is a little dewy when I get home, so I hang it out in the basement to dry.  Then I roll it up and stick it back in its sack.
     Today I went to look for my tent.  Not in the basement.  Looked in the garage.  Not in the garage.  Looked in the basement again.  Looked in the garage again.  Asked on Facebook if anyone borrowed my tent and pad.  Since they were both missing, I knew I could not have lost both.
     Looked in the basement for the third time.
     I always put the tent in the same spot.  It was not there.  On the top shelf on the adjoining shelving unit was a plastic tub marked pictures.
     Pictures?  Huh.
     I pulled it down and voila, there was my pad and my tent, crammed into the tub.
     Now everything is out and ready to go.  Paper plates, double stuffed Oreos, small coffee pot to heat water, hot chocolate mix, small grill, sleeping bag, tent, sleeping pad, long underwear.
     But that forecast me be the trump card.
     If nothing else, I will turn on the fireplace at home and just pretend I am outdoors.....but it won't be as much fun.

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