Tuesday, October 13, 2015

8 more wins!!!

I am really starting to feel it

    A shot at watching a pennant winner on the North Side.  I was  9 or 10 when I went to my first Cub game.  Aunt Betty took me.  My dad was never big baseball fan.
     I would listen to the Cubs on the West Coast trips, my radio on low in my bed.  If I was lucky, I could watch a game on TV.  I learned the Hamm's beer song before my ABCs.
    I suffered in 69,  and again when Leon Durham muffed a sure out in San Diego, and again when the Cubs and Mark Prior came apart at the seams after a foul ball wasn't caught and a shortstop booted a ball.  Saw the Cubs play the Dodgers in the playoffs in  08 and watched a the Cubbies make 5 errors in one inning.  Every infielder booted a ball.
     In all those years, I never felt, "This is it."  I do this year.
     These guys don't give up.  They battle, they make mistakes and come right back and overcome them.
     And the kids have come to play.
     So, I am psyched.
     Maybe it's all those ghosts of the past looking over them, especially Ernie and Ron.  All those fans, like my mom and cousin and Jackie's mom and dad who went their whole lives not seeing a World Series win.
     It's our time.  Now.
     Jackie, Dan, John and I were at the game tonight and the place was rocking!  Sure, it got quiet after the Cards went ahead early.  But everyone knew that a 2-0 lead wasn't going to hold up.
     But enough....you all know that already.
     Here are some pictures, just because.

Beautiful day for a game

He should be here 
Everybody got a W towel

My cousin Sally got me this shirt last year.  She died last September, but her spirit was with me today.

Chicago police were ready for the crowds!

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