Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Houston, we have a problem

We took the free shuttle bus the Cubs ran Tuesday night

     The parking lot is up on Irving by the river, not too far from John's house.
     Going there sparked a lot of memories.  We played ball in the parks, just across the river and we played ball at the Boys and Girls Club grounds.  But the strongest memory is that of carnivals.  The club, or maybe a church, held an annual carnival there and it was always a fun time.
I actually met a couple of girls there over the high school years.  Ah, memories.
     Back to the shuttles.  They used yellow school buses.  When we rolled Jackie up in her walker, they got a special bus with a lift and put her on board that way.
     We knew the Cubs were going to clinch that night.  The Cubs people knew that also.  So they had special rules for the buses.  We would be dropped off at Wrigley, on Addison.  But the buses would pick up on Irving....about a half mile away.
     However, the lift equipped bus would be on Addison one hour after the game to pick up people in wheelchairs.
     The game ended at 8.  The streets were closed by 7.  We hung out in the park for half and hour then went to the bus pick up zone.
     Did I mention the streets were closed?  Blocked off?  Filled with people?
     Well, they were and there was no bus in sight.
     We decided to wait a while.  We were told that "maybe" in 30 to 45 minutes the streets would be reopened, depending on what the crowd of revelers was doing.
     Waiting for a bus was an option.  Taking the Red Line to Belmont, changing for a Brown Line and going to John's house was another option.
     Calling Kathy was not an option....the streets were closed, traffic  was a mess.
     Walking to Irving was an option.
     After about half an hour, I truthfully got bored.  Jackie was a bit bothered by all going on around her.
     So we opted to go to Irving.
     (Actually, she wanted no part of an L ride.  Don't see why, would have been fun.)
     Now a half mile walk by itself is no problem.
     But pushing/pulling my wife in her rolling chair could be an issue.
     We were actually fine until we hit Seminary, a little street right next to the fire station on Waveland.  Chicago does not maintain streets well.
     With one or us guiding and one of us pushing, we rolled down Seminary.  I would like to say it was a smooth ride, but it was not.  The good thing was we did not knock the rollinator over or drop the cargo.
     It was supposed to be cool at the park, so I had on a long sleeve shirt, then a jacket, then a sweatshirt, then my Cub shirt.  By the time we got to Irving, I was soaking wet from sweat.
     Other people were going in the same direction and a couple of groups asked if we wanted them to push while we took a break.
     But John and I persevered.
     We got to the bus after about 15 minutes....which I thought was pretty good time.
     All in all, it was a good experience.
     Now...about those National League Championship tickets......

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