Monday, September 1, 2014

quit bugging me!

I seem to have an issue with small animals

     Every time I go to brush my teeth, or wash my hands, I find two or three little bugs on my side of the sink.  They seem to be hard crusted and a little smaller than an ant.  I have not seen them fly, but they may.
     I don't think they are water fleas.  Or sink bugs.  (Pretty good play on words, huh?  Stink bugs....sink bugs.....LOL) I usually crush them then wash them down the sink.  I assume I have crushed them enough that it is not the same few bugs coming up from the drain....but you know what happens when you assume!
    Anyway, they are beginning to bug me big time!
     Speaking of being annoyed....I was doing my volunteer thing today and had a cute little guinea pig named Pez out.  I always keep them on a towel although I have seen people just hold them in their laps.  But I prefer my pig on a blanket.  (Actually, I prefer pigs in a I am hungry.)
     Anyway, I had her out for my last 30 minutes.  I had just rearranged the blanket and had some young girls petting Pez when I felt a warm sensation running down my leg.
     Now I know when you reach a certain age, there is a risk of leakage.....but that is not my problem.
     Little Pez pizzed through two layers of towel.
     When I stood up, I had a wet spot, rather large, I might add; in an area where it seems highly inappropriate to have a wet spot.  (Insert your own comment here.)
     Those little buggers can really have full bladders!
     I  tried to sneak out, but when it is 85 and sunny it is hard to hide a spot like that.
(Insert your own comment here).
     And since leakage and wet spots seem to be a theme here, I would like to issue a warning.  If you use a WaterPik, do not sneeze when operating!
     I did last night and dropped the Pik when it was on and shot myself, the mirror, the wall and part of the floor with a stream of water.
     What's this?
     An ant just walked across my desk.  Sun of a gun.  Guess it is time to clean the desk!  Hope that doesn't mean I have a computer bug.
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