Friday, September 26, 2014

my bags aren't packed, I'm not ready to go

I always wait until the last minute to pack

     Drives Jackie nuts.
     I can't seem to figure out ahead of time what I need to take.
     I have made a list of about 30 items....I have two of them ready.
     I pack quite strangely.  I take a lot of underwear.  A lot.  If we go for an overnight, I take at least four pairs.
     So how many for 18 days?  I don't have 72 pairs, so I will have to adapt.
     Julia has a washing machine and a drier, so I can pack less.  It is a funny system though.  You put in money to wash and the drier is free.
     It is a huge cabinet, with clothes lines strung inside.  Gas heated, you hang your clothes on the lines and set the temp you want.  I generally pick scorching hot, because it is faster.
     Fall is a tough time.  I can't just pack 10 t shirts.....because nights, and days, might be cool.  So I have pulled out about 6 t shirts and 5 long sleeved shirts.  I also have set out my binkie.
     Oh yes, laugh.
     My binkie is actually a zip up liner used in sleeping bags.  I like it on cool nights.  I feel warm, secure, comfortable.  And I may need it on the hike we are taking.
     Two pairs of shoes, four pairs of pants, a coat, sweater, sweatshirts......bulky items, for sure.
     Throw in the hiking poles, half ton of candy and all my camera stuff, and I have a full bag.
     But I haven't done any of that, yet.
     All I have done is think about it.
     I guess tomorrow I will get serious about packing.  After I mow the yard and do a little trimming., that is.
     But the fact is Sunday morning I will be throwing stuff into the suitcase without a lot of thought.
     Then when I get to Julia's, I will look and say "Where is my cord for the computer?" or, "I thought I packed two shoes." or "How come I only have 16 pair of underwear?"
     It's kind of like Christmas at Julia's.....I never know what's in the bag until I open it.
     I just hope I am not disappointed.

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