Saturday, September 27, 2014

just seems to me

I think I am pretty calm right now

     I had a couple of chores to do today.
     Figured if I went to the Thrive garden market at church in DeKalb, I could help set up, run to Target, come back to Rochelle and stop at Walgreen and Moore's ... all before 1.
     So when I got home about 2:15, I was already behind.
     No problem.
     First chore, straightening my new oak tree.
     It has a little curve at the top.  So last week I bought a couple of wooden stakes, (Not the eating kind, that is steaks.  And not the kind you drive into a vampire's heart, those are silver.) some wire and rubber tubing.  I staked the tree and it is now straight.
     Except when you look at it from one angle and see the whole thing leans east.
No problem.  Bought another stake at Moore's and some more rubber tubing.  Went outside and spent 15 minutes staking and wiring, only to discover I had the rubber tubing in the wrong place as it fell down.
     So I unwound all the wire and did it again.  (Further explanation.  I made a large loop, than braided the two loop wires together.  As it tightens, it pulls the tree toward the firmly entrenched stake.)
     Spent another 10 minutes twisting wire only to discover that the wires had disconnected and so no matter how much I twisted, it would not tighten.
     So I unwrapped the wire and did it again.
     After ten minutes, discovered that once again, the wires had come apart.
     So I unwrapped the wire and did it again.
     This time I braided the two ends together.  Put them on the stake.  Twisted the wires and the tree actually started to straighten.
     Gave it one more twist......and the wires snapped in half.
     So the tree leans.
     It was now 4.....and Jackie's brother has called from Jonamac and is coming to visit.  That is great news actually because we hardly see him and his grown kids.  So that was great.
     But I put off mowing and watering the flowers to make the bed, fold the towels and tidy up the house we spent all day yesterday cleaning.
    At this point I am 0 for 3 in the chore department.
     After a wonderful visit with long missed relatives, and some pizza, it was dark, too dark to mow.
     But at least I can pack my suitcase.
     So I have my 7 pairs of socks, 8 tops, three pants and 14 pair of underwear, along with two cans of mini Ravioli, some mac and cheese, Headon's barbecue sauce, Halloween candy and hiking poles, one sweater, a sweatshirt, heavier coat,  and hiking books all in my bag.  Lord knows how much it weighs, but I still have my toiletries and one pair of jeans to toss in.  Then I will be good to weigh.
But now I can't find the charger for the batter for my little camera.  I know where I always put it, and it's not there.  I am confused.
     But I am not starting to panic.  Not at all.  I am quite calm.
     Think I'll go water.  And maybe mow.  10 p.m. isn't too late for that, is it??
     But then again, maybe tomorrow.  I'll just look for my charger again.
     No, I'm not starting to panic.
     Hopefully, the next blog will come from Switzerland....which means, I will miss doing one on Sunday.
     Until the next time, peace and love.

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