Sunday, September 7, 2014

riding on the city of new orleans....

I took the train to the Cubs game today

     And truthfully, you humans surprise me.
     A group of people came on in Geneva, I believe.  They had a huge box of Dunkin Donuts and cans of PBR.  Now, donuts and beer may be a rich combination for breakfast, but PBR?  I guess they were lucky it wasn't Old Mulepiss....I mean Old Milwaukee.
    And a man was having a conversation with I assume his son and his son's girlfriend. They were talking about strange job requests, and the man said once he had to remove all the bushel baskets from this chain of food stores...he claimed there were 70,000 of them.  Then six months later, the brains decided they wanted the bushel baskets back.
     The young adults said, and this is a direct quote:  "Uh....what are bushel baskets?"
     This shows the dire state of American education when young people can't comprehend what a bushel basket is.
     The guy tried to splaine dis Lucy, but they were clueless.  (I just channeled Ricky Ricardo...must be the messages in my head)  Finally he told them to look around the (name of chain) store the next time they were in and see if they can see big round baskets.
    The conversation did strike me though.  Years ago, we used bushel baskets for lawn clean up, picking up leaves, carrying clothes.....and I haven't seen one in years.  Years.  I think I will have to go to Jewel sometime and look around.
     So I thought of other things a 20 something might not have ever seen, like rotary dial telephones, black and white TVs, typewriters, real jobs that pay livable wages.  I hope they don't realize what they have missed.
     And weirdly, I met the mom of a former student.  Of course, I did not remember her name, but I did recognize her.  She and her guy were going to the Cubs game also, so we went together.  When I realized we were going to be walking and talking, I told her I remember her, but forgot her name.  It was Pam.  And we talked about her yongin's, who are in college, out of college, and no longer little kids.
     The trip back was almost a disaster.  I thought the Bears won with a field goal in OT.  So when I sat across from 3 big Bears fans.....and I mean big, not only decked out in all Bear gear, but physically looking like they had eaten one or two cows,  I smiled and said, "Nice game, huh?  I bet you are glad he hit that field goal."  They looked at me like I was loony.  Then the one guy said they would have to start a new winning streak at the next home game.
     "Wait....didn't the Bears win on a Gould field goal?" I asked.  They said no....which made me sad but I think they were happy that I wasn't just some anti Bear nut who was going to taunt them all the way to Winfield.
   As the train cleared out, I turned sideways and was looking out the window when a guy with two bags said to move.
     I said I'm sorry, and moved.
     He said, "You don't have to be sorry. Didn't ask you to be sorry.  Should have called the police.  My bags sit better in a seat.  Hope the spring is strong."
     He didn't shut up until getting off.....and nothing, I repeat, nothing he said made any sense to me or the other people on board.  Just like this blog, sometimes.
     I think everyone was glad he didn't have some kind of weapon....he was a little bit on the far side of normal.
    All in all it was a good day....nice weather, being with my two buds at a Cubs game, sitting at Wrigley Field.......sigh.  Too bad the game was played, that sort of ruined the atmosphere.
     I guess I'll have to wait until next year to repeat the experience.

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