Tuesday, September 9, 2014

would you like a disease with that meal?

I am not really germophobic.

    Really, I am not. I understand there is a little dirt on all of us that we will eventually consume.
    But I have my limits.
(There is a fly buzzing me.  I have to get the fly swatter.)
     For legal reasons, I will not mention specific stores or businesses.
     Some years ago I stopped in a sandwich shop.  The young boy behind the counter finished with the customer ahead of me.  He took his money, put it in the drawer, made change, counted out the bills and turned to me and said, "What can I do for you."
     I replied, "First off, you can wash your hands."
     Money has lots of germs on it.  I hate it, absolutely hate it, when a clerk takes my money and then touches the food.
(Wait....it landed.  But I can't find it.)
     Tonight I stopped at a store and a young girl waited on me.  She took my money, gave me change and then filled my soft ice cream dessert order.  I was OK with that, because she did not actually touch the food...she didn't put her hands in the ice cream or anything.
     But another girl was using a mop, pushed the mop and bucket into a corner, went to the counter and waited on the next customer!  She never washed her hands!!  I would have asked her to do that before taking and making my order.
(There it goes.  Are flies male and female?  How do you tell?)
     Last week there was a video on line about those glass glasses in hotel rooms.  I watched it.  I swear to Howard Johnson, I will never use a glass glass in a hotel ever again!.
     The people doing the report rented rooms for two nights.  Then they hid a camera in the bathroom.  They made it clear they were staying one night, but another couple was staying in the room the next night.
     The staff took the dirty glasses, put them in the sink and sprayed them with glass cleaner.  Then they used a towel hanging in the bathroom to wipe them!  Glass cleaner!!  You don't drink glass cleaner!
     At another hotel you can hear someone cleaning a toilet, then it flushes.  She is wearing a plastic glove.  But she uses that glove to pick up the glasses and dip them in water in the sink!
How sanitary is that?
(Speaking of sanitary, that stupid fly won't stop for me to swat him.  What if he is actually a reincarnated relative or old friend?  I'm swatting it anyway, if I can.)
    When I worked at a Jewel deli I was told to use those plastic gloves when waiting on a customer.  But when I was done, I was to remove the glove and toss it.  Now people wear the gloves to do everything, defeating of the purpose of the glove in the first place!  The glove is not to protect their hands, it is to protect us customers from germs and dirt on their hands and fingers that get there when they wait on customers!
     And don't get me started about guys who use the urinals and leave the bathroom without washing.....absolutely gross to see!
     Well, I feel better now.
(I would be a lot happier if I could get that damn fly that has been buzzing my head since  I started this.)
     I think I'll go wash my hands, brush my teeth and go to bed.

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