Monday, September 29, 2014

The eagle has landed

I did survive!  I did!  I did!

We arrived safely in Switzerland on Monday.  Or late Sunday night.  Or early Monday morning.
it was an interesting day.
What kind of idiot shows his displeasure with his job by screwing up air traffic for thousands of people?
Anyway, our flight out of O'Hare left one hour and 10 minutes late.  Which means it arrived one hour and 10 minutes late.
But it was foggy in Zurich, so we had to circle for one half hour.  Which turned out OK, because our flight from Zurich to Geneva was late getting into Zurich, which means it was later getting into Geneva.
Long story short, everything worked out well.
Almost everything.
The last we saw of Jackie's walker was on the luggage cart in Zurich.  Evidently it liked Zurich so much, it decided to stay.
Swiss Air did find it, but it will take a day for it to catch up to us.
Any way, I am looking out onto Lake Geneva, already had a brief conversation, in French, with Julia's neighbor who always laughs when I talk, I didn't spill any wine on the trip over and I only got in one situation involving yelling at a stranger.  But that's another story for another day.  Turns out, when I get really tired, I get really loud.
Peace and love!

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