Tuesday, September 2, 2014

back in the saddle again

I rode my bike today

     I know:  Big whoop ti do! People ride bikes every day.
     Well, I fell off my bike July 7.  And I have not been on since.
     I admit, there was a little fear.  But mainly I hurt.  My hip hurt,  My shoulder hurt.  My feelings hurt.
     But today I dragged the old bicycle into town and rode part of the bike path.  I only did 7 miles, because I thought we were going someplace at 2:15.....but we ended up not going, so I could have done more.
     I love riding.  I love the feel of the wind on my face.  I love being able to push my muscle when it doesn't want to be pushed.
     Yes, muscle.  As in one.  I think that is all I have left.  One muscle.  It isn't very big.  It isn't very strong.  Sometimes I am surprised I can even walk; I am like a huge gelatinous jelly fish.
     I see people riding all the time.  I know they are going farther than 7 miles.  But that is all I did today.
     My goal last June was to start riding my bike into town once a week for coffee.  That didn't happen.  I still have a few weeks of bike riding time left, so maybe I can build up to that.
     I have to admit, my shoulder is still sore.  Sometimes it hurts a lot, keeping me awake and just making me uncomfortable.  When I was done with my short tide, it just plain hurt.
    Hopefully physical therapy will help.  Maybe I need some mental therapy too.
     I had an idea when riding:  WORD.  That could be the answer to my physical fitness lethargy.  Walk or Ride Daily...WORD.
     Each week I should be able to spell WORD.  When I complete a walk around the block, or a ride of 8 miles or more, I get a letter.  When I spell Word, I get a special treat as a reward.
     So I started thinking of rewards:
          Coffee......never mind, I have that often, so that won't work.
          Foreign travel.....ooops, already booked for Switzerland.
          A Cubs game......naw, going tomorrow and Sunday.
         A candy bar....defeats the idea of walking or riding to lose weight.
         An afternoon of relaxation....hell, I am retired.  Every afternoon is one of relaxation.
         Dinner with a super model.....Jackie would never go for that.
     Geez...I am stuck for a motivator.
     If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

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