Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I've just seen a face, I can't recall the time and place....

I may be short a brick or two

     I see Brent.  I say to him, "I saw you in that commercial for your business and your were pretty good on camera."
     I thought it was a good compliment.  He did look good.  Polished.  Articulate.  Successful.
     And now, the rest of the conversation.
     "What commercial?"
     "The one for your bank....how many commercials are you in?"  said with a laugh.
     "I'm not in a commercial for my bank.  We don't have TV commercials."
     "But I saw you.  Blue shirt.  Tie.  Looking straight at the camera.  Delivering the message."
     "Not me, sorry."
     So here's the question:  Am I just nuts?  (I had another expression, that involved Goofy and Minnie and Mickie.  But it's not very Disney-like.)
     OK, I could have dreamed it....but it was so lifelike!
     Then I got to wondering about other things in life.
     Did I really see Jimmy Buffet this year?  Have I really gone to several Cubs games?
     Does Beth really stalk Casey Kasum, even though his body has disappeared?
     What is real and what is not?
     I am perplexed.
     Have my dreams overtaken my life to the point I don't know if I am dreaming or living?  Am I really drinking tea now or just dreaming?
     Oops...dribbled tea down my tee shirt so I know I am awake.  (If I had a shirt I only used for drinking tea, wouldn't that be a tea shirt also, even if it had long sleeves?)
     And it could be Brent knows I am pretty gullible.  He may be pulling my leg.
     So my fellow Americans, I ask you, don't watch TV just for entertainment, watch TV to spot Brent and prove I am not nuts.
     Thank you, and good night.

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