Wednesday, September 17, 2014

a little of this, a little of that

Sometimes I can't focus very well

     Tonight seems to be one of those nights.  Thoughts are racing trough my little brain, and I am tired and sore.
     I also found out today I am below average in a good way.  Health officials report the waist lines of men have expanded, with men over 40 now having an average 38 + inch waistline.  Mine has held at 36 for a few years, although it is a tight 36.
     I visited the field rep of Adam Kinzinger in Rochelle today.  I noted in the United States capitalism reigns, with competition being a prime motivator for businesses to improve.  I asked why this did not apply to Cable TV.  I am still upset at having Chicago stations blacked out in favor of the Rockford stations.  I miss WGN, which is not the same as WGN America.  Funny thing is, this guy has a girl friend in the suburbs and he loves watching the morning news and he also misses being able to see Chicago stations.
     Cubs sweep Cincinnati......they are 38-37 at home, 9-3 in their last 12 games.  I can't wait until next year!
     Last winter I used an ice melter on my driveway....killed all the grass along the drive and sidewalk.  I've spent three days digging out the dead weeds and hopefully will get it seeded in time for the rains and warm weather next week.
     BLTs for supper with tomatoes from our garden.....tasted pretty sweet.  Next year I will have two raised gardens and may go into the gourmet produce business!
Ethical dilemma:  On Friday I have a zoo day.  After the zoo I always stop at a local coffee shop and get a chocolate monkey.  (Espresso with a couple of shots of banana in a chocolate mocha base.)       Starbucks has a special buy one, get one free after 2 p.m.  Do I drive an extra block and get two small Starbucks, different coffees, and double my pleasure?  Or support the nice people at the coffee shop?
     I need to cut my fingernails...making too many typing mistakes.
     I walked two miles today.  I worked in the yard today.  My arm is a little sore.  My knees are a little sore.  I am tired and going to bed early.
     Can't find peat moss in town either....have to stop in DeKalb, I guess.
      My mind is empty, almost....thanks for listening.

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