Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I don't want to be the Ugly American, but......

I lost my temper in Geneva

     Call it frustration.  Call it being tired.  Whatever, but I became for a few seconds, that Ugly American Tourist.
     Jackie's walker got lost in transit.  So the very helpful and friendly support person took me through the lost luggage section, the oversize luggage section, the lost luggage behind the scenes area,
(Which I thought was very Swiss.  This employee stepped up to the counter and for five minutes was ignored by the three people working there. They looked at him, and ignored him.  He was in the area behind the scenes and it was clear they were not going to help him...or me. )  but no walker.
     So we went to the lost luggage center, which was the other side of the wall.
     Three people working, all of them helping customers.  I queue had formed, so I got in line, third from the front.
     First person, moves to rep.
     Second person, moves to second rep.
     I am the only person in the room, let alone in line, besides the clerks and they people they are with.
     It takes a while to process a lost luggage claim.
     I waited patiently.
     Then a man and his wife walked in, looked at me, and stepped in front of me. I went ahem in that quiet coughing way, and they smiled at me and nodded....whatever the hell that meant.
     Another man had come in right behind them.  He said to me, in English, "You are going to have to go in front of them...you were here first."
     So when a representative finished the paper work, I moved in front of the man.
     He said, "I am next."
     I said,  almost apologetically, "I am sorry, but I was next in line."
     He says, "No, I am sure I was in line before you."
     I said, "No you were not.  You came in and walked past me."
     He said, "No, you came in after me."
     I said, my voice rising, "Are you kidding me?  I was the only person in the room!  You came in and just stepped in front of me. I AM NEXT!!"
     A voice from behind yelled out, "He was next.  We saw them step around."
     I sat down with the rep and said I was sorry for being so loud, but I was tired and frustrated
She knew I was next, and she apologized because usually they have a number dispenser but the machine had broken.
     She took my information and found the walker, still in Zurich.  She said it would be delivered Tuesday, and at 10 a.m. when I had just gotten out of the shower, Julia's doorbell rang and I had to sign for the walker.
     Yes, I did put on clothes, although my hair was wet.
     And the man and woman who tried to cut me?  Turned out they sounded like jerks when the representative asked them basic questions.  The rep asked them it the suitcase was heavy.  They responded, "It depends on how strong you are."
     In my thinking, I don't think the suitcase was lost.  I think it ran away.  That grey hard sided overweight suitcase decided life with strangers would be far better than two weeks with these twits.
     It's probably in Zurich, having a good laugh.

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