Wednesday, September 24, 2014

change happens

Sometimes I am pretty resistant to change

     Head colds and sore throats, not so much.
     But change.  Well, it is hard for me, sometimes.
     We moved the silverware from one side of the kitchen to another.  I have spent three days going to the wrong drawer.  I can never find the pancake turner.
     Sometimes at night I wake up and can't figure out why our bedroom is different.  Then I remember its because for two years I have been in a new bedroom, and it's not the same as the old.
     And I'll admit it now:   the first year of retirement was a lost year for me.  I floated.  Aimless.  Out of my routine, I was unable to establish any routine.
     That's why I played games until 1 a.m.  and slept until 11.
     I am better, although I still stay up late and sleep natural body rhythms just seem to flow that way.
     For the past three years I have been going to 7 or 8 Cubs games each year.
     I knew change was coming, but I am a little uncertain.
     A new video scoreboard in left center?  It'll be great.  I think.  I'll miss looking at the roof tops across the street though.
     The bullpens under the bleachers?  What happens to the ivy?  Can we still tell who is warming up when Jackson implodes?
     Reconstructed grandstands?  New concession areas and bathrooms?  I'll miss those silver troughs lined with manly men all peeing toward the same goal!
     But the biggest change may come on the field.  A right fielder (Soler) who hits for power and average?  A left fielder (Bryant) who hits for power and average?  A slick fielding short stop (Baez) and a veteran third baseman (Castro) who both have bats with pop?  Pitchers who get outs?
     What will I complain about?  What will I moan about? Alacantara's play at second?  Or Almora's speed in the outfield?
    And the games move from WGN Radio to WBBM?  Revenue knows where the TV games will end up!
     All this change may not be good.  It means more people going to the games.  Winning records!      Excitement in the yard!  Talk on the street!!  Headlines in the paper!!!
     I am so excited, I may have wet myself!!!!
     I realized the change tonight.  After the Cubs beat the Cardinals AGAIN, everyone sang Go Cubs Go....but  Gary Pressy (he plays the organ at Wrigley...and no, not THAT organ!  Clean it up.) soon morphed that into For Auld Lang Syne.  Cub fans took a year to say goodbye to the park they have known for 100 years.  I'll hate to see the old park go.
     I said at the start of the season the Cubs would be a .500 team.  At home, they were 41-40....their first home winning record in several years.
     But I was wrong about them being .500.....or I was half right, depends on if you are like me or an optimist.
      I'm thinking playoffs next year.  Playoffs, not the series.  That will come in 2016.
     And that will be one change I will embrace whole heartedly!

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