Thursday, September 4, 2014

who was I?

I am learning more about me every day

     Lately I have realized I know nothing.
     Seriously.  Nothing.
     I have been reminded lately of a couple of things that happened right after or around high school.
     Big things.
     Major things.
     I don't remember them.  At all.  Even when given prompts, I have no recollection of a wedding, or military service, or child's birth, or band.
     It's like the current me did not exist back then.  I was there, but I did not exist.
     Sure, it was 50 years ago or so, but I remember events, like prom, homecoming, graduation.... well, now that I think of it, I don't remember graduation.  I remember practicing for it.  A girl I went to school with four four years actually asked what my name was, and then she asked if I thought she had a hickey on her neck.  I remember going to school the day after graduation and just standing there, looking at the building and wondering what I should do now.
    I know the human brain can only contain x number of pieces of information, be it names, memories, songs, whatever.  By my x number seems to be low.  Very low.  Lower than my T level.
But I also wonder, was I just a jerk?  Wasn't I paying attention to what was going on in the lives of people around me?
     Am I still that way?  And if I am, why hasn't someone told me?
     And even scarier.....what else have I forgotten or missed?
      Sometimes the past is just a blur.  And the future isn't very clear either.

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