Saturday, September 13, 2014

there's one born every second

I am a sucker for kids selling stuff

     I don't know why.  Basically, I am pretty cheap, but when I see a young person selling stuff, I want to buy!
     I have turned around to go back to lemonade stands to by 25 cent lemonade.
     One time I saw a stand near Tilton.  The little girl was going into fifth grade, and I thought she was going to be in my room.
     So I stopped.  Lemonade was 25 cents and I had a dollar.  She took my dollar and said, "I don't have any change."  The girl that was with her looked at her and said, "Go ask your mom for some quarters."  Otherwise, I would have spent $1 on a watery glass of lemonade.
     So far this school year we have bought:  yellow garbage bags; popcorn; a Hub Card....and it is only September!
     Actually, the popcorn was through the girls' volleyball, soccer or baseball team....maybe.  Anyway, I got the carmel corn and I tell you, it was the best I have ever eaten!  A light sweet covering, with pecans mixed came Tuesday and I finished it Friday. Jackie avoided it because it was 150 calories per serving, and the jar had 15 servings, so  I had.....a hell of a lot of calories.   I have not tried the cheese corn yet, because I seem to be full....but I am sure it is delicious.  It was pretty pricey, but it's for the kids.
     We have bought Hub Cards in the past and never used them.  This time we have used 3 of the coupons so far.....all for ice cream.  What does that tell you about my eating habits?
     Soon the other schools will start their fund raisers and I can't wait for someone to show up at the house to sell.  Seriously!
     I don't know why.....but I get hooked.
     Girls Scout Cookies, Boy Scout popcorn...doesn't have to be school related.
     I guess it comes down to recognizing these young people who are doing something I can't do....go up to strangers and ask them to buy something.
     I am getting better with the Rotary calendars, but it is still tough.
     Maybe I can hire a little kid to go door to door with the calendars?
     Now that's a thought.

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