Friday, September 12, 2014

that was easy

It took 15 minutes to restore us to modernity

     The Comcast tech showed up, we explained the problem, he said it sounded like a bad amplifier and voila, he fixed it within 15 minutes!
     For the first time since Wednesday, we have service at home.
     I did go to Emily's and use her WIFI, but did not stay on for long....and no spider solitaire.
     I think I might have broken the addiction to that game.  I have not played in four days and I did not play today, even with a working system.
     I did aerate and over seed my yard.
    Now folks, you know how I feel about Sears.  So even I was surprised with I bought a tow behind spreader from them.
     Yesterday was the first time I got to use the spreader.  It actually worked pretty well, once I figured it out.
     The wheel would not turn, but WD 40 seem to end that problem.
     I have a rider, and when I attach the spreader to the riding mower, I can't quite reach it from the seat.
     So I figure just set the spreader on on and hop on the mower.
     Wrong again, seed brain.
     The seed started coming out of the spreader, and I jumped on the mower but hit a kill switch and the mower stopped.  By the time I got it started, I had a huge pile of grass seed on the ground.
So I cleaned it up, spread it around and thought and thought till my puzzler was sore.  (Thank you Dr. Seuss for that wonderful phrase.... a sore puzzler.)
     I found a long pole.  I closed the spreader, leaded it with seed, got on the mower, started it, put it in gear then reached back and pushed the lever up.  Too far.  The spreader opened all the way and I had a huge pile of grass seed on the ground.  So I cleaned that up, and spread it around.
     I figured I was pushing too hard, so I filled the spreader, closed it, got on the mower, pushed it open and took off.
     Nothing was coming out.  I did not push it all the way open.
     I tried a clamp.  No dice.  Then I tightened the do not tighten bolt tight.  I filled the hopper.  I got on the mower.  I started the mower.  I put it in gear.  I reached behind and pushed the open switch with my pole and......
     Voila!!  Grass seed spreading at a nice even rate.
     OK, it took a while longer than I imagined.
     But I have spread the seed.
     Tomorrow I will do the fertilizer.
     But now that I know the trick, it should be a piece of cake.  Right?

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