Monday, November 30, 2020


 Technology  frustrated me today

    We have a subscription to Britbox.  So I went to the site and picked the show I wanted and I got the message, "watch for free for one week then become a subscriber."

    I am a subscriber.  If I watch for free, I have to enter all my info, which they already have.  There was no I am a subscriber button, as far as I could see, which is not very far.

    I tried for 10 minutes then threw the damn remote onto the couch.  That will show them.

    I called my brother today.  After I hung up, I put the phone away in my pocket and I heard someone talking.  Seems I redialed his number putting the phone away.

    And tonight I went to check an e mail and I turned on the flashlight.  I didn't know how I did it, so I didn't know how to turn it off.  John and Emily have shown me that several times, but I just don't remember.  I'll need another lesson.

    I ended up turning my phone off completely, then could not remember how to turn it on.

    Sometimes I miss the days when we had 5 tv channels and I was the remote.

    Also....I asked Emily to buy me some briefs, since I am not supposed to go into Walmart.  I told her I wanted Tidy Whities. She looked at me and said, "You know, dad, they are called Tighty Whities because they fit tight."

    My entire life....Tidy maybe it's not the technology after all.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Sunday, November 29, 2020

 I really don't have much to say tonight

    I know!   That IS unusual.

    I did manage to make our on line church service today.  It's not the same as in real life, but it is better than nothing. I do miss the people at church.

    Started reading a book today, The Fifth Elephant, and it has brought on a chuckle or two.  Two nights ago I finished A Tale of Two Cities.  Not a laugher, but a good read.  

    We are moving the Christmas tree....seems it is pretty round and hard to get around.  So we (Emily and John) will be sliding it into the corner some time to provide a little more walking room.  That is a big change for us.  We have certain things in certain places.  Let me clarify that.  Someone has certain places for certain objects.  Me?  I just like to put stuff out and am not particulary concerned about what goes where.  I think that will be good this Christmas.

    Capped off the day with a lasagna dinner, and some Spanish wine.  Lasagna was great, but the wine did not seem so hot.  Could be I am used to pinot noir, so tomorrow may be a different taste story.

    Then we sat down to watch the Bears.  Opening drive left me optimistic but I had to stop watching at the half.  Just can't take the ineptness.  

    See?  An Eh  day.  One of many.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 You all have pushed me over the 200,000 mark

    The official stats say 200,098 page views when I checked tonight.  Again, thank you so much for reading this blog over the years.  I feel I have shared some funny stuff, some personal stuff, too much information at times and enough interesting posts to keep you coming back.  I am  truly humbled.

    I thought of a Rolling Stones song today.  "This Could be the Last Time.

    We were standing in the cut your own field at Sinnissippi Tree Farm and I realized that at my age, cutting a tree is a lot of work for everyone around me.

    We have cut a tree almost every year since the mid 70s.  There is always something about going out in the brisk air, wandering until you find the perfect tree, then continuing to look, hoping for a better one, only to forget where the perfect one was.

    I have cut crooked trees, short trees,  tall trees, diseased trees, bug infested trees, and beautiful trees.  Every time has been a great experience and I wish it would never end.

    But today was different.  I could not cut, I could not carry, I could not load or unload...and I wondered if it was worth it, or if I could live with an artificial tree that could easily be put away at the end of the season.

    Then we, I mean John and Emily, put the tree up in the house and the smell of the tree just overwhelmed me.  I would miss that a lot, and no, a candle or incense would not take its place.

    The tree is bare.....will be for a week.  Camryn will come next weekend and help decorate it and I will be happy.

    It's a pretty tree.  Nice and round, like me.  

    This could be the last time, may be the last time......I really don't know.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  

Peace and Love

    The perfect tree.....John is starting to harvest it.

    Job done..

    It took several of the high schoolers to get the tree into the wrapping machine.

    Working on the tree

    It looks great....and will look even better lit and decorated.  I just wish the smell would last forever.  And  the memories too.

Friday, November 27, 2020


 104 views until I hit 200,000

    Excuse me for being excited.  I never expected to be doing this at this point in my life.

    Of course, I never expected to be in a pandemic, have prostate canceer, or not see another Cubs World Series at this point in life.

    I guess you just have to expect the unexpected in life.

    Like zombie minks.

    As I undeerstand it, minks were thought to be involved in the transmission of Covid 19, so mink farmers killed thousands of the animals in Denmark.

    They were buried in trenches 8 feet deep, coveerd with chalk, sand, chalk, sand. A  veritable chalk sand sandwich, which is weird to say.

    The problem is hundreds of the minks have come up out of the ground and are now rotting  on the surface!  Since the sand is so light, the minks' decaying bodies filled wiht gas and pushed their way to the surface.

    I know!  How could the fake news media not report on this?  There has been no coverage of this in the United States except in today's Tribune, which is where I saw the story.  But no one is talking about this!

    Wth hard hitting stories like this, I am expecting to go over the 300,000 mark within days!

    Sigh.....if only it was that easy.

    Feeling better every day...walked a little, did some small chores, went to the store.  The Cypress House girls were happy to see me, and I them.  

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Eat leftovers. Wear a mask.  Tie your shoes.

Peace and Love

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 This was a really nice day

    It was Emily, John, Jackie and me.  That was nice, because I am not up to a lot of people around me yet.

    The kids did the cooking, the old folks did the eating.  Sure, we had some friends missing, and Julia is in Switzerland, and SIL Judy wasn't here, but I think that was the wise choice, especially for me.

    I am not a patient peerson.  I want my minute rice done in 30 seconds.  I don't buy green bananas.  Wait, I do buy green bananas!  They don't count.

    I don't like sitting through commercials or movie previews. The wait time before I go on in a play is interminable.  

    Sort of like Nike, I want to do

    So part of my healing process is taking longer than I want. 

    I won't be specific, but think of a baby eating applesauce,  or an old man without teeth drinking soup, or a leaky pipe, or an NBA point guard.  (They all dribble....just so you know.)

    I want that part to be over ASAP.  But as a couple of people pointed out, it was only 8 days ago I had major surgery, and 2 days ago that my catheter was removed.  Give it time.

    I want it now.

    On a statistical note......185.  That is the number of views my blog needs to reach the 200,000 view mark!  Thank you all for taking time from your lives to read my drivel.

    You are all greatly appreciated.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 I have a lot for which to be thankful

    Notice how I tried not to end a sentence with a preposition?  Although, it isn't a sentence, actually.  I guess I did not need to do that.

    Obviously, I am so thankful for my family.  Emily and John have been great.  I now know how to run the tv that puzzled me and the other electronics that always seem to confuse me.  Emily shops, comes at night to give me shots, and tucks Jackie in bed.  Julia has sent messages and called, boosting my spirits.  Jackie has been understanding and not demanded much of me.  My brother and inlaws have called.  

    I am thankful for my friends.  Cards, calls, meals, little signs they are thinking of me and Jackie during this challenging stretch for us.  It is very comforting and makes me realize how much more I could be doing for people around me.

    I am thankful for nurses and doctors who gave me excellent advice and care.  I got a get well card today from the nurses assigned to walking buddy even said it was "a pleasure to meet you."  A pleasure.  I wonder if she says that to all the guys who have their junk out for public viewing.  

    I'm thankful for Lanet and the care she is giving us during the day.  She won't let me bend over when I drop something and has our health first.

    So much to be thankful for.

    So tomorrow, when our very small foursome is sitting around munching turkey, I wll be giving silent prayers of thanks for everything I have been blessed with in this world.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Be safe.  Be healthy.  Stay home.  Enjoy life.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I had a doctor's visit today 

    Good news.....18 lymph nodes taken out, 0 with cancer.  The prostate cancer was beginning to spread but was still contained entirely in the prostate.  My chances of cancer recurring over the next 15 years is about 1 percent.

    I will take that.

    As you know, I get worked up about all sorts of mind plays games, and causes me to freak out.

    For instance.  I had a catheter.  The catheter came out today.  The PA taking it out said I needed to breath deeply when she removed it   I almost hyperventilated on the table I was breathing so deeply.  She finally told me to calm down and gave a gentle yank on Little Willie and it was out.  No pain.  Some gain.

    Of course, it will take a while to retrain my body....but the exercises I have been doing should help.  In the meantime, let's just say I am doing a lot of laundry.

    This has been a humbling experience.  I no longer am embarassed about dropping my pants, although no one in Starbucks actually asked me to do that.  Lesson learned.

    I still find myself clicking my teeth.  Prior to surgery I was grinding them, now I am just clicking them.  Still, it's irritating.

    And sleep is difficult.  Maybe tonight will be different, or not.  I would make a hot toddy before bed but somebody finished my bottle of whiskey.  

    We got some snow today....interesting, eh?  Now it is cold and raining.  Somehow, I am not mentally ready for winter and being stuck in the house with no place to go for weeks at a time.  But tomorrow I will start walking farther than the mailbox.  About time.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Monday, November 23, 2020

day....bored.....200 something

I am a little bored 

    I have weight lifting restrictions, so I can't lift much.  I have a little trouble doing stairs because of my foley bag.  Same with walking.  I am not uncomfortable, just the bag is over my knee making it hard to bend.

    I am reading "A Tale of Two Cities" and while it is not boring, it can be confusing.  Again, a book written 100 years ago uses words I may not be familiar with, and sentence structures that appear a little more complex than today's novels.  I have seen a lot of ; and , in this story.

    I have done a couple of crosswords, but I can't find my favorite crossword puzzle pencil so the going is slow.  And solitaire and on line crosswords, but that gets old.

    I don't want to nap because then I can't get to sleep at night.

    Geez, I am kind of a complainer!

    I did find an interesting article in today's Tribune.  A theater group in Chicago is doing "It's a Wonderful Life" live.  Via zoomm with an audience limited to 90 per show.

    There are six actors involved, two of them a couple, so a set was designed and built for five different locations.  Actors will do their roles via zoom and they will do live shows until Jan. 2.

    What made it more interesting, even great, is the sets were designed and built by Grant Sabin, a former fifth grader of mine who has gone on to a career in set design in the Chicago theater scene.  Connie and Kent... be proud.

    I don't know how they know if 90 people are in the audience.  If I buy one ticket, can Jackie sneak in?  I's a show and I will pay for everyone watching.

    When they say live, they mean live.    One actor was a little worried because his set is outside his son's bedroom and he hopes the lad doesn't wander out in the middle of a scene.  But I think that would just add to the experience.

    Anyway...doc tomorrow to get rid of my bag, hopefully.  Then I can start walking a little farther than the end of the driveway.

    Great meal tonight...stew from MK and Steve.....delicious and filling.

    You people always amaze me.

    Stay safe.  Stay distanced.  Sanitize.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Sometimes weriters have to make corrections

    They get the facts wrong, or they make a type that changes the meaning of there message.  Or they use the wrong homonym.

    Thus....I have a couple of corrections.

    Yesterday I said the recovery room nurses, Beth and Colleen, were wearning Chicago Bears masks.  They were not.  They were wearing surgical masks.  They had Chicago Bears bandanas under their surgical caps.  And it was Barb, not Beth.

    Yesterday on Facebook I posted where I was when I heard about JFK being shot.  I said I was a freshman at Lake View High School.....which is incorrect.  I was a sophomore, as friend John pointed out.  I told him it was easy for me to get confused because I don't even remember what year I graduated from high school, although it might have been 66.

    I always asked my class  history questions.  Like what fire in October 1871 killed over 1,000 people.  Or  similar questions for extra credit.  One year I told the group to ask their parents what they remember about JFK's assasination.  A little girl came in and said her mom remembered nothing because she was only a month old.  I knew then I was getting old.

    For years I would tell people Julia was born on the day Gale Sayers scored 6 touchdowns against San Francisco.  For years I was wrong.  Sayers scored them way before Julia was born.

     Yet in my mind those were facts that upon further review, did not hold up.  Sort of like election fraud, stolen votes, and the check is in the mail.

    And in yesterday's photo of my new prostate, I had the sucker upside down. 

    By the way...over the last few days my Pay Pal account was suspended until I updated my information, my Apple account was in need of more information, and a package I ordered was not shipped and I was entitled to a refund, all I had to do was send the credit card information.

     I ignored all of hem and guess what?  Pay Pal and Apple still work.  And no package was ordered.

    Scammers should be drawn and quartered with their fingers cut off and made into snacks for hungry wolf packs.  

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Stay home.

Peace and Love

PS....correct words in first paragrah were type and their.......did you notice?

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 I have a new prostate!

    Yes, that is my new prostate!  Emily and John found it on Amazon and bought it for me.
    I don't think mine was smiling, and I am not sure what this one is doing.....but I know it is not going back into my belly!
    I will say this, if you want rest, do not go into a hospital.  My first night I had a check at 10, meds at 12, another check at 2 and blood drawn at 4 before pain meds again at 6.  Then they asked me how I slept!
    I ended up in an ICU bed because the Intermediate Care Unit was full.  During the 4 plus hour surgery, my BP fell to something like 80/40 and my pulse rate was in the 30s.  They felt that was a little low.
    In recovery, two nurses hovered over me. They were both wearing Chicago Bears face masks.  Beth said, "How can we get his blood pressure up?"  I answered, "Show me a replay of Monday night's game."  They laughed.
    Now, I don't have any recollection of that conversation except the other nurse, Colleen, came up to see me in ICU the next morning.  She said they were all still laughing and wanted to check on me.
    If they only knew.
    After 1 night in ICU, I was moved to a general floor room.  It was much better.      The night nurse was super .....actually named Emily....and one of her tasks was to get me up and walking, since I had now been on my back for most of 28 hours.
    Our first trip down the hall I walked like Frankenstein and she had to help me with balance.  We walked for about 5 minutes and I was tired.  We went back to my room and she said call me later and we will walk again.
    At 11 I called her and sure enough, she came and we walked and talked up and down the hallways....and she did not have to hold me.
    The worst part of the experience is I have a catheter.  
    Not to share TMI, but there have been an awful lot of young ladies who got a look at this farty old man's junk over the past three days.
    To their credit, none of them laughed, one asked me for my phone number, and two student nurses decided to pursue other careers.
    I am home, obviously.  I am tired.  I am sore.  I am nervous about having a bag, but am handling it much better today.
    Emily was awesome, coming to pick me up Thursday only to wait for several hours before the decision was made not to send me home.  
    Unfortunately, she said that losing my prostate may affect my testosterone level, which could make me a little more emotional.
    More?  Holy crap, you won't believe the number of times I have cried reading the Facebook comments, texts, e-mails, and answering telephone calls. 
    You guys are fantastic...and I really don't know why I deserve it.  But I know I am so thankful for all of you.  
    Damn, I am crying again
    Stay safe.  Stay home.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 I may not be posting for a couple of nights

    Tomorrow is my big day......and I am filled with angst.

    I know it has to be done, but I am still nervous.

    I have to be at the hospital at 5:30.  I have not been up that early since my pea picking days with DelMonte.

    Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.....I do appreciate them.  I have been on an emotional roller coaster today and it's comforting to have people thinking about me.

    I am doing my night before prep, which has TMI for me to go into, except to note that the toilet is a wonderful invention.

    Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.  Be smart.

Peaee and Love

Monday, November 16, 2020 pain, no gain......246

 I hade my final pre-surgery tests today

    I had a blood draw at the hospital  When they called to set it up, they said they do this "just in case."  I did not ask in case of what, because I am remaining optimistic about the whole thing.

    The person who did the draw was  Dani and I did not even realize she had done it!  It was amazing!  She never said, "This may sting," because it didn't.  I was super impressed.

    There was a student with her and I asked the student if she was doing the draw.  She said she could and I said I prefer not because I was having enough angst about the whole thing anyway.  I am glad I had Dani do it.

    The Covid test wasn't bad.  I did not realize a swab could go that far up my nose and not cause permanent damage.  It smarted for several minutes.

    I finally finished the basement cleaning project.  It is all ready for me to recover downstairs.  I may have to plug in the tv, I will check tomorrow.

    And friend Nadine brought over some delicious pumpkin bread, still warm from the oven, which we had for dessert.  Emily dropped off some groceries because we run out of things and I  can't go to the store.

    It truly does take a village.

    Now all I have to do is wait.  That's the hardest part.

    Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Wear a mask.  Keep your distance.  Be smart.

Peace and Love

Sunday, November 15, 2020


 I consider myself pretty careful...but

    Last night I almost fell for a con.

    Jackie and I are looking for a Dyson V 11 animal stick vac.  They have extra suction for dog hairs, something that Corki blesses us with abundantly.

    Trouble is, they retail about $600.  A little steep for my blood.

    Frequently I Google the product and find places where they are on sale.

    I hit one last night.

    The vac was on sale for .....get this.....$65 plus $15 shipping, or $80 total.  For a $600 vac.

    I looked through the site and it looked like the Dyson site, so I clicked on add to basket. 

    Then I double checked to be sure this was a secure site.  I looked at the web site closely and it was dyewa.......not Dyson.

I went to the Dyson site and they have a section on counterfeits and fake sites, with a warning to purchase only from the Dyson site or an authorized dealer.

    If I had given my credit card info, or even my name, I could envision months of financial worry and problems.  As it was, I left the site, sent the site to Dyson for them to be aware of, and played solitaire to calm my anger.

    My guess is dozens, maybe hundreds, of people fall for this type of scam daily.  They give thieves access to bank accounts, credit cards, and who knows what else.

    So remember two things in life:  Trust, but verify.

    And if it sounds too good to be true, it isn't.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay smart.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Somedays are better in bed

    Opted for a frozen bagel this morning.  Thawed it, toasted it and got out the oleo.  Normally I would use the real thing....butter.  But, for some reason today I used the oleo.

    Everything tasted did taste like butter.  When I went to put the oleo away, I noticed a date on the bottom:  Best used by Sept. 17.  Really?  This stuff was in our fridge and it is three years old?

    When I go to the store for our monthy shopping trip, I generally pick up one or two pounds of butter and some margarine type thing, either Promise of Brummel and Brown or something like that.

    I had 4 of the Brummel and Brown.  Two of them had no expiration dates while the package of 2 said best used by Feb. 18.

    So, contrary to my devil may care approach to life, I tossed them all. ...6 unopened containers of margarine that seemed to be at least a year past their best use by date.

    Then I made some chili to freeze for the post surgery time.  All the ingredients were in the slow cooker and I went to wipe up the counter.  I noticed I only had one hearing aid in the charging unit.  

    My first thought was check the counter.  Nope.

    Second thought was check the floor.  Nope again.

    Third thought was check the dish rag and towel.  Nope again.

    Fourth thought was......could it somehow have ended up in the chili?  To which I said to myself, "Shit.  This could be real expensive chile."

    Lo and behold I found it behind the sugar canister on the counter!  How it got there I have no idea, I am just glad I found it.

    Then I noticed a puddle of water on the floor.  It was right where I was making the chili and where Corki has been hanging around. 

    I said to Jackie, "There is a lot of water on the floor here."

    She looked over and with her new eyesight said.  "Huh.  Hey, you bought a cucumber.  I see it on the counter."

    I said, "Yes, I bought two," and grabbed them, only to have one of them squish in my hand and send a stream of putrid cucumber juice, seeds, soggy pulp and who knows what else all across the floor and down the cabinets.

    Mystery solved.

    At least the floor is clean, the chili made, my meeting attended, and I even spent some time cleaning the basement, or as I call it, my recovery area.

    I am tired.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Friday, November 13, 2020


 Two more doctor appointments today

    Both for Jackie, both routine....checkup on her eye repair and plumbing fix.

    We were in DeKalb, and that means Starbucks.  (TGIS...Thank goodness for Starbucks!)

    We were in Rockford yesterday.   There are several Starbucks in Rockford.  The first one we went to was closed.

    The second one was packed...sort of.  Due to restrictions, only 6 people were allowed in at one time.  So people were waiting on the sidewalk.

    As I was waiting, it hit me to use my app and place a mobile order.  So I did. Then I waited.  In the windy, cold sun.  For 20 minutes.

    I still got my order before people who came before me and were waiting outside.      One woman was sent to pick up an order for friends and was complaining about the confusion on her order.  She said she worked at the new hospital in Rockford.  Several people said there was a Starbucks literally half a mile from the hospital.  For some reason, the poeple ordered from one that was a 10 minute drive, at least.

    Anyway, one of the clerks kept running out and calling names for mobile orders.  Three people left, so three of us went inside to wait...there must have been 15 drinks lined up on the counter.  

    It was at that point I realized I ordered the wrong item for me.  But I was not about to change it.

    Today was the same, but different.  Jackie likes the hot chocolate and I ordered one for her and a vanilla cappachino for me.  Only problem was, I wanted a latte.  I have to read the order more carefully.

    Tomorrow I hope to make it to Cypress House for a coffee there....then I think I am done until after surgery.  I don't want to be shaking from too much caffeine while an army of robots is prowling around my stomach.

    And tonight we got the pork chop dinners for the Community Action Network fundraiser.  I was a little confused when I initially ordered, so I got 5 one chop dinners and one 2 chop dinner.  For 4 of us.  In my defense, originally there were 5 people.

    Needless to say, we are having pork chops again Sunday.  And maybe Tuesday.

    But they were good, and it was for a good cause, so all is well that ends well.

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.  Be vigilant.

Peace and Love

Thursday, November 12, 2020

day.... 2 down......242

 Jackie had her second cataract surgery today

    All went well.  She is resting comfortably and seems a little tired.

    I had planned to visit my brother during her time in the office, but instead I opted to wait in the car.  Call it Covid craziness.

    I brought a book, a couple of snacks, a blanket and spent an hour and a half napping and reading in the surgical center's parking lot.  I had my phone on vibrate for some reason so when they called the first time I did not hear it. But the second time they called, I could hear the phone's vibrating  buzz and answered it.

    Tonight friend Bethie stopped off with some goodies and best wishes for the week ahead.  I always get emotional when people do good things for was great seeing her.  She said let to let her know if we needed anything but when I brought up the Wednesday morning enema, she declined to help.  

    I have another blood test on Monday and a Covid test following the blood test.  All I want is for this to be over.  Hopefully at this time next week I will be at home, resting, and wondering when I can drink wine again.

    That's a wrap for tonight.  

    Stay safe  Stay masked.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 I had a pretty busy day

    Physical therapy.  Two meetings.  Two loads of laundry.

    But the one event that occupied most of my time was cleaning the basement.

    I have a finished area downstairs.  After my surgery, that is going to be my recovery area.  I can go downstairs, watch tv, work on a puzzle, read, go through slides, and even nap if I feel like it.

    I will not be tempted to do anything involving lifting or moving objects.

    Despite us being home so much, I really have not been downstairs much in the past 6 months.  So it got dusty.  I moved plants downstairs about 3 weeks ago and they have dropped some leaves.  I have two puzzles on card tables.

    Months ago I got John to help me move a desk from the storage area to the finished area.  Today I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to move it from one side of the room to the other, because I put it in the wrong place.

    The desk kept falling off the dollies.  I ended up putting a board across them, but then the desk pushed off the front.  I found another board, wedged it it in front of the legs and finally moved the another wrong spot.

    I now have it in the third location and I think it is ok....near an outlet to plug in the slide sorter, below a window so I can see out, not in the way of the puzzles.  

    I also stripped the lights off the garland down there and there are plastic needles all over the place.

    I figure if I work for an hour or two for a couple of days I will have it nice and clean for me.  

    In that respects, I am glad it is cold outside.

    Tomorrow is Jackie's second cataract surgery....wish us well.

    Stay healthy  Stay masked.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

day ......whoa!!.....240

 This was quite the weather day

    It started out fairly nice, but in the afternoon it turned terrible!

    Wind and pea size hail pelted our house.  I took a video of the event, but I had the phone the wrong way so the video is sideways.  Very hard to watch.

    Severe thunderstorm watch, warning, tornado watch, wind advisory....we had it all.

    The temp is supposed to be in the upper 20s around morning, which will be almost a 50 degree drop.


    I actually got the rest of my chairs, cushions, herb garden, and the last couple of potted plants in before the storm hit.

    Once the hail started, I moved Jackie to the little bathroom because hail could be an early indicator of a tornado.  But we are all good.

    Emily went shopping for us over the weekend and found these:

    When I was little, Salerno put out a Christmas cookie called Jingles.  My parents were not wealthy, but we always had some Jingles around the house at the holidays.  I carried that love of Jingles into adulthood.  Some of my teacher friends would even buy them for me when they went on sale and I would freeze them, happily eating them all through the summer.

    Then they disappeared.  (The cookies, not the teachers.)

    They eventually resurfaced under a different baker but they were not anise flavored.

    Then several years ago Salerno brought them back, but with a differeent name.

    They have the same shapes...tree, wreath,  star, bell...and pretty much the same taste. 

    I think it's more the memory though that causes me to look forward to finding them every year.

    So....thank you Emily for finding me my first, but not last, box of Santa's Favorites, which will always be Jingles in my mind.

    I think I will have sweet dreams about them tonight.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace ad Love

Monday, November 9, 2020


 I actually won a bet today

    Or a it whatever you want.

    Looky here:

    I got the lights up!

    The bushes, the garland, all done.  I even wrapped the sign holding pole on the porch. (pole, not Pole...a sign holding Pole could be a guy named Stash holding a sign....this is a wooden pole holding a sign.  Big difference.)

    I just hope the predicted 60 mph winds tomorrow don't move them around too much.  I usually anchor  the garland  with bungee cords, but did not do that today.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Friend John came today and brought some lasagna made by his wife Kathy.  We had some tonight and put a few meals in the freezer for the days when I can't cook.  It was darn deelicious. And much appreciated.

    Jackie has her second eye surgery Thursday.  She is totally calm with that.

    Me, on the otherhand, keeps thinking of getting on a plane and going somewhere where no one can find me.  I know that won't solve the problem, but there are times I just want to run away to someplace safe.  (Maybe that should have started with be honest, me don't care at this point.)

    I still have a couple of items to move in from outside, but the big stuff is all in the garage. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I will put the final plants away and the last couple of chairs.

    Weather could be a little dicey tomorrow, so everyone in Illinois stay alert!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 I ruined a perfectly good day today

    I watched the Bears.  Even though they were terrible the first half, I hung around for the end of the game.  Granted, I did some chores in between.  I missed the two touchdowns they managed to score, but I did see enough four and outs to last a season.

    All the time I could have been putting up Christmas lights on a 70 dregree day.  But nooooooo!  Ever the optimist, I thought the offense would get untracked.  I will be more particular with my time for the next game.

    We did talk to Julia....Switzerland is on lock down due to Covid.  Restaurants and bars closed, indoor gatherings limited to 5 or less, masks mandatory when people are around, even outside. If you are over 85 and sick, hospitals will not admit you because they are full.  Scary and sad.

    Christmas lights.

    I have stripped all the garland of lights and bought 6 strands of lights to rewarp the garland before I hang it on the porch rails.  Bought the lights 4 days ago.  Went to wrap them today and ..... damn, I have the wrong lights!

    I bought white lights with white wiring, but I don't want white wiring!  The frustrating thing is I did the same thing last year and had to take those lights back.  That's what I will be doing tomorrow.

    I did get most of the bushes lit....but damn again!  I checked lights when I put them away last year and two of the strands are half dead this year!  How does that happen?

    By the end of the day tomorrow, I will have the bushes lit, the garland relit and hung and you can bet on that!  Just don't bet too much.

    I took advantage of the nice weather to cook a couple of small steaks for supper.  It was nice to sit out in the driveway, sipping my wine and smelling the meat a grilling on the Weber.  

    I don't think we have too many days ahead like  this one.

    Maybe tomorrow...... then the bottom starts to fall.

    Enjoy it while you can.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Thinking about numbers this week

    Electoral college, popular vote, Senate make up, Covid deaths..... a lot to lose sleep over.

    It appears some of the questions have been answered, but it also appears there will be court challenges by a certain sore loser.

    But enough politics.


    This is post 237 since the lockdown in the Dickow household unofficially began.  It may coincide with the number of days Covid has been around, but I don't know.  It is just representing how many days I have tried to socially distance, stay home, be isolated and stay safe.

    What is doesn't mean is we have gone 237 days without visitors.  Lots of people have stopped by, just one or two at a time.  I always ask how they feel, if they have been near someone exposed to Covid, and then invite them in.  In the house we sit far apart but for a few hours it almost seems normal.  When I do go out, I wear a mask and sanitize a lot.  

    198,130   That's the number of views this blog has had in its lifetime.  I learned  tonight that some poeple comment on the blog site, not on Facebook, and I finally read comments from people over the last month.  I learned a lesson.

    97 cents   That is how much advertising money I made in November by people clicking on the ads that appear on the blog.  I obviously don't do this  for the money.

    $107.13    Total amount I have earned in the five years I have done this.  I have not received the money because I have to give them information on my bank account and I am a little fearful of doing it.  People at the bank said it was ok, John said it was ok, but I am old school.  Someday.

    2,451     The total number of posts I have done on this somewhat exploration of my trivial life.  They used to tell my what countries people were living who read it, but now I can't seem to find that info because they updated the site.  Oh well.

    Thousands     The number of blessing I have in life.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask,  Social distance.

Peace and Love

Friday, November 6, 2020


I had an MRI today 

    The good doctor wants to make sure he knows where everything is in my body before he sends the robots in.

    I told the nice people that I was afraid of needles and they had to be gentle.  I had a dye injected through an provide a contrast.  It did hurt a little, but all in all was not that bad.

    They played The Beatles but the pounding of the MRI machine did not match Ringo's drumming, so things were a bit off.

    I asked the ladies if people ever reported hallucinations during an MRI.  They asked me why, and I told them of the giant octopus tentacles that seemed to come out of the foot end and encircle my body.  Twice it happened.

    They looked at me like I was from another planet.  I may have been influenced by Octopus's Garden, but I don't think I fell asleep so who knows.

    I had a light supper last night, a light breakfast this morning, no lunch, and a lot of water, so when I was done I headed to Starbucks for a coffee and I stopped at a little shop for a couple of for me and one for Jackie.

    Pizza with Emily, John and Camryn, some wine and I am suddenly very tired.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.  Stay home if you are showing any symptoms because Covid is raging in Rochelle!

Peace and Love

Besides drinking lots of water and eating light, I did have one other prep for the MRI.


Thursday, November 5, 2020


I did an unusual thing today 

        I tossed out something.

        About a year ago we had a lamp that shattered.  We got a new lamp.  So we had an extra lamp shade.

        Since that inicident  I have saved the old lamp shade in case we needed it.  Today I thought, when have we ever needed a lamp shade?

        So I tossed it.  Seriously!  I also am tossing the wet vac I have in the garage that only has 3 wheels.  I have to drag it around because it no longer rolls.  I have a new wet vac in the basement and it has 4 wheels.  So the trey wheeled one is headed for the curb side.

    I don't throw stuff out.  It may have no use anymore, but I don't toss it.  So this is a big accomplishment.

    I also had my first physical therapy session today.

    I have two sessions before my surgery.  The sessions are designed to help me counter incontinence after the operation.

    I do a series of pelvic exercises and they are monitored on a computer screen via electrodes attached to various parts of my body.

    The PT said the doctor doing my surgery was "amazing" and I shouldn't worry.  She said the exercises will help immensely in my recovery.

    She also told me to avoid JICs.  She then explained a JIC is when someone uses the bathroom just because it is me.  I never pass  a bathroom...just in case. (JIC...clever, huh?)   She said by doing that I am actually not doing my bladder any favors because it never has the chance to expand.  So now I have to get into the habit of not using a bathroom unless I actually have to.

    What I liked was at the end of my session, I felt like I had known this person for years.  She made me very comfortable and we had lots of good conversations about incontinence.  That's a sentence I never thought I would utter!

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  The task is to mask!

Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 You are about to see something no one else has seen

    I bet my brother has never seen this.

    And I blew up part of it so you can answer a question afterward.

    When we moved from Skare Court, we temporarily stored stuff in Emily's basement.  Well, the tornado kind of scattered her life across Northern Illinois.
But one of the boxes that survived was an old box fan container from our house on Skare.  It has been in my garage since 2015.  I opened it today during a clean up the garage moment.  
    The glass was broken, but the print is still pretty good.
    This is Ernst Dickow.  Now, my brother Carl may correct me when/if he reads this, but Ernst was  my father's father.  My dad was born in 1901 and this to me looks like a confirmation or communion picture.  He looks about I am guessing this is from the 1880s, or even before.

    This is a close up....and for some reason I see myself in this.  I don't know why, but I feel I know this person. you see any of me in this face?  Maybe it's just me.

    Weird, huh.

    Funny story.....Emily is invovled in a group for Sighthounds.  They had a drawing tonight...for every $20 you donated, you had a chance to win a prize,  I put it off until just a few minutes before the closing, when Jackie asked if I had donated.  Since it is one of Emily's farorite charities, I donated $40. which means I had two chances to win a prize.  

    I won two prizes!!  Holy cow!!  I should run out right now and buy lottery tickets, because this is my lucky day.

    Unfortunately I have had a couple of glasses of red and don't think I can drive into I won't win that 100 million tonight.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or incur the wrath of the rest of us.

Peace and Love

Methinks mine friend hath a hungry varmit lurking about

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 it over?.....233

 I am filled with dread about tonight

    I will be devastated if this guy gets reelected.  I can't bear to watch the returns.

    So.....a different topic.

    Jackie did not have her second cataract surgery today.  The surgical center called yesterday and said they had some "health" issues and were closing until everyone could be tested.

    So, she is rescheduled for Nov. 12.  Same place, hopefully they will have it cleaned up  by then.

    I finished harvesting carrots today.  I hope I remember not to plant 16 feet of carrots next year. I have a lot.

    I also planted some bulbs.  I have two bulb planters, but I could not find either one.  Heaven knows where I put them.  I was looking in my laundry room cabnet for something today and found a level....why I put it there I will never know.

    I am celebrating little things:  bulbs planted; carrots harvested; front of house garden weeded for the final time this year;   final two strands of garland delighted so I can relight them with working lights.

    Nothing major, but a lot of little things.  I would have been more productive, but I just forgot how dark it gets by 4:30 now.  Guess I need to start earlier.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Please wear a mask.

Peace and Love.

Is this what carrot love looks like?

My hanging plants are still green and still have flowers.  Usually I lose these by the first of August.

Still using this!

Monday, November 2, 2020


 Ok, I admit it....I am not sharpest pencil

    Sometimes I do pretty strange, and dumb, things.

    Like yesterday.  I mentioned I made scalloped potatoes from a box.  Well, I did.

    I boiled the water, milk and butter, added the mix, then I opened the dehydrated potatoes complete the dish.

    You know, they look a lot like potato chips.  Except they don't have salt.  So I thought, what the heck, and popped one in my mouth.

    Damn near broke a tooth!  And it was terrible tasting.  I actually spit it out into a napkin it was so bad, and I seldom toss food!

    I went to the store today for a couple of things, so I did not need a cart.  Picked up 6 boxes of Christmas lights, two perscriptions, and 3 frozen pot pies for my suppers during recovery.  (Just to clarify, only the frozen pot pies were for supper.)   I kept dropping stuff.  I should have taken a cart.

    I always park by a tree or light post in a parking lot so I can find my car easily.  But two days ago I did not.  Of course, when I came out of the store I went to every damn tree in the lot before I remembered.

    I was asked by a doctor today if I ever had surgery before.   I said never.  He then asked me about the three heart stents I have and informed me that was actually surgery.  I knew that.

    Oh well, at least I can laugh at what I do that isn't quite right.  And I usually have a lot to laugh about.

    I read a quote and was so impressed by it, I wrote it down.  Of course, I can't find it now.  It went something like:  The mind has 600,000 thoughts a day....laughter is our way of resetting our brain.  

   I'll keep looking for that note...and laughing.

     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Sunday, November 1, 2020

day....yumm ick....231

 I made a special Sunday dinner

    Iowa chops from Headon's.  Iowa chops are about an inch thick.  It's like 4 pork chops together.

    I found a recipe on line that I used once before.

    I followed it exactly:  Rub chops with olive oil, salt, pepper, fry 2 minutes on each side, bake in 425 degree oven for 15 minutes, making sure internal temperature reaches 165.

    The first time I made them, Jackie loved hers.  Today, not so much.  I don't remember using salt the first time and today's meal was just too salty for her.  I thought mine was good....tender, moist and tasty.

    I also made scalloped potatoes from a box mix.  

    At some point, the smoke detectors started going off because of the pork chops in the oven.  It was rather smokey in the old house.  I opened the back door, turned on the fans, and aired out the place.

That was really the only thing I did today.  Well, besides 2 loads of laundry and cleaning the oven and counters and stove and dishes that I made during the day.  I am not a neat cook.

     I hate to belabor a topic, but sleep was horrible last night.  I actually was up when the clocks flipped from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m. and when they hit 2 a.m. again.  I think it was then I started playing solitaire on line.

    I don't know if it is the time change or anxiety, and I did take a calm me down at night so I can sleep pill, but it did not help.  I don't think the 6 trick or treaters we had impacted me at all.  Friend Sam was one and entertained us with song and dance, which we both enjoyed.

    I also made a hot chocolate with a little Baileys in it to toast my friends camping at Apple River Canyon.  I just could not make it this year and was bummed, because I really look forward to that annual  day of guy time, campfires, hikes and just yakking.  Next year.

    Hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep.  Heaven knows I  am tired enough.

    Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love