Thursday, November 7, 2019

long cold winter ahead

I am freezing

     I can't seem to get warm.  I was outside with the dog and the cold just went right through me.  I almost feel like I need to put on long underwear.
      I am glad I dug carrots yesterday, but I sat out in the driveway today washing them.  In the cold.  Freezing  My hands in water.  Cold.
     Tomorrow will be slice and dice day and I am looking forward to working in the warmth.  I am not necessarily looking forward to the job, just being inside.
     In the past two days we have had a lot of traffic:  floor guy, water guy, cart we had the heating guy to check the furnace.
     Funny thing.  We have a humidifier on the furnace but it does not seem to run.  In 7 years, you would think we would have to replace a filter at least once, but we never have.
     The gut today said there is something wrong with the control.  It runs in test mode, but not on its own.  It's a puzzle.  Hopefully a new control will solve the problem.
     But by nature, I am not an optimistic person.
     Guess that is the cross I have to bear.
Peace a d Love

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