Monday, November 4, 2019

DST.......not for me

I don't think I like Daylight Savings Time

     Since the time change, I have been soooooo tired.
     I sit in my chair to read, and I fall asleep.  I fell asleep during the Bears' game and missed the two scores....but they seemed to have fallen asleep too.
     Twice today I fell asleep while reading.
     It can't be for lack of bed time.  I went to bed at 10:30 last night and got up at 8.  Well, got up for the final time at 8 anyway.  Old man's problems.......
     It's barely 10 and I am having trouble keeping my eyes open.
     I was staying up until midnight most nights, and getting up at 8.  I seem to be in bed longer, but more tired.
     Maybe some exercise will help...but I rode the stationary bike yesterday and I was still tired afterward.
     When I get tired, I get irritated.  And grouchy  No amount of wine or chocolate seems to help.
     With that, I am off to bed.
     Sweet dreams.
Peace and Love

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