Saturday, November 9, 2019


I only have one word....ugh

     I know, it is not a word, but it describes my feelings about the upcoming weather.
     Snow.  Record breaking lows. 
     A January forecast in the early stages of November.
     I took advantage of the balmy temps today to get some outside stuff done.  OK, balmy might be a stretch, but 46 did not feel terribly cold.
     With John's help, I got the grill in the garage and the concrete planters moved into the garage.  The planters are in the way, but they are too heavy to drag very far.
     I brought in the patio umbrella, the wind catchers, two porch chairs and a chaise lounge, 3 potted plants and the upright herb garden. 
     I also tackled the hardest task.  The mower.
     When I mow, I have a tendency to just park it in the garage when done.  That is a mistake.  I need to get in the habit of cleaning the deck off.
     I must have had 30 pounds of grass stuck underneath.  It's a wonder the mower even ran.
     I scraped, and then I scraped some more.  Then I used the hose to wash underneath.  Then I scraped a little more.  By the way, using a hose with temps in the mid 40s is not a pleasant experience.
     I think I got most of it off.....there was a lot.  A lot.
     I need to do a better job of cleaning my tool.  (Pervs...that is NOT a sexual reference.  Jeez.)  And next year I will do that.
     That is, if the temperature gets above 50.
     Now, I am  going to burrow under the blankets like a little baby.
Peace and Love

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