Saturday, November 2, 2019

fun times

Had a pretty good time tonight

     Exit 99, the improv comedy group I am in, performed in Ashton tonight.
     I know, Ashton isn't NYC or Chicago, but it is a pretty neat town.  We performed for the Pegasus Special Riders benefit.
     We often start with the alphabet game, where two (sometimes 3) people carry on a conversation where sentences start with the alphabet.  The audience suggests a topic and a letter.
     Tonight Carrie and I were siblings at Disney World, starting with G.  We worked down the alphabet and she had a W starting sentence.  I answered back with Zowie, that was fun.......but several people yelled that I was wrong. 
Oops....I forgot X!  Me bad.
     We also did a game where we have to answer a riddle based on audience clues.
     My answer was a chainsaw made of silk used to cut down sugar cane in the Galapagos Island.
     I could not get Galapagos. My partner gave excellent clues....but I could not get it.  She finally said, "She was wonder woman."  And I answered Linda Carter.
     That may have been true back in 1970.....but a lot of the younger folks had no idea who Linda Carter was.
     After acting like a girl walking and then hopping on a pogo stick, I finally got Galapagos.....and learned that Gal Gadot starred in it. 
     I have learned several new things this week. 
     I learned what a VSCO girl was, not that I needed to know that.
     I learned that I am not careful in closing my freezer door.
     I learned who my new neighbors are.
      And maybe a thing or two that might have temporarily slipped my mind.
     With that....Happy Daylight Savings Time!
Peace and Love

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