Tuesday, November 5, 2019


I mowed today

     Damn, it was cold out there!
     I mowed because I could mulch the leaves, plus my grass was a little long.
     I dropped the mower down to 3.25 inches from it's normal 3.5 and I plugged it a couple of times.  So I moved it back to 3.5.
     My hands, feet, ears, cheeks were all cold.
     I had to have a hot chocolate when I was done.
     At some point I should clean out the mower.  I am sure there is a lot of grass underneath.  Maybe if the weather is nice this weekend I will get that done.
     I may be the last person to mow in the neighborhood.  I tend to put things off as long as possible.
     For example, changing the smoke detector batteries.  I try to do that on Oct. 8, but I have yet to change them.  Hopefully tomorrow. 
     And the carrots are still in the ground.  Hopefully Thursday.
     The rest of the porch furniture?  Hopefully Friday.
Peace and Love

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