Saturday, November 30, 2019


We got our Christmas tree today

     Ever since I can remember, we have had a live tree at Christmas.  At least when we have been home for Christmas.  Two times we did go to Disney World, so we did not put up a tree those years.
     It was misty and rainy today.  John took me.  Actually, it was John's second trip to our house because someone needed to be picked up around 7:30.  Funny, I was sleeping in my chair in the den because I have a cold and I don't cough as much with my head up.  I heard someone knocking on the door, and went to see what all the noise was.  It was Jackie, laying on the bathroom floor banging her walker on the floor.  I did not hear her calling me, but I sure heard the knocking.       I thank my lucky stars each time she does this and comes away uninjured.
     John and I went to the tree farm, and found a tree that looked really nice.    Straight.  Looked full.  About 8 feet tall. 
     So he cut it down and I paid. (More than I wanted to or should have, but it was rainy and I did not want to get caught in a downpour.  Bad choice.)  Got it home and put it up right away.
     I think the tree we saw in the field was switched.  I don't know how, cause we watched it get shaken and netted, but this tree certainly does not resemble the amazing tree we saw.
    But it is up.  And decorated. And Christmas is coming.
Peace and Love

Bison at the zoo

Not a spaceship, but a greenhouse

Perfect tree

What happened?
A couple of nights ago

Friday, November 29, 2019

dang it!

I missed a deadline today

     For those of you who don't know, I do a weekly column  in the Rochelle News Leader.   Every Sunday, my opinions and thoughts get shared with hundreds of thousands of readers.  I am sure they all find me incredibly funny, insightful, and informative.  Well, at least 5.
     I write the column Wednesday and Thursday and send it Thursday night for the paper.   Every week.
     Twice in the past year I have missed deadlines.....and both times it has been Thanksgiving.
     I should have done the column Wednesday and sent it.  But I got busy.  I simply forgot about it Thursday, mainly because I was so busy cutting pies and eating turkey.
    I got home from the zoo today and eventually got to checking e mail and there was the note saying, where's the column?
    By then it was too late.  So for the second Thanksgiving in  a row, I missed a deadline.
     Next year I will figure out a better way to do things.
    By the way, if you don't subscribe to a local paper, you should.  You will get news about what is going on in the city, in the schools, in the county and you will be able to see who died and who was arrested. 
     Most papers have an on line edition available, but I still like the print copy.  Something about the feel of a paper and the ability to hold it up and scan the entire page at one time.
     And yes, I do look for typos. 
    Including ones in a column I typed.
    But there are never mistakes in the ones I forget.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 28, 2019


I ate too much today

     Good food, good friends, good football game, good weather.....all in all it was a good day.
     And I am not being persnickety.
     Only part I missed was visiting with Julia.....somehow that just escaped us.  I have to send her my grocery list, time is running short!
      For dessert we had a choice of cupcakes, cherry pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie and cherry bars......a veritable sweet fest.
     If you aren't doing anything Friday night, stop by for some pie!
     Funny thing about that.  People rarely stop by just to visit.  But this week Bob and Diane came just as we were leaving for an appointment in Sycamore!  I wish we had some time to visit, but we had to go.  Then Debby dropped by and I was still in my pajamas!
     I better start getting dressed earlier.
     Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.
     I am tired...and sated!
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

where are my expandable pants?

I think tomorrow will be a problem for me

     I tend to eat more than I should.  Way more.  I have been trying to cut back, but tomorrow will be a test.
     We were going to make a pumpkin pie to go with an apple pie.  But I convinced Jackie we should buy one.  Making it is a lot of work for me, and I already have enough.
     So she called a bakery in Oregon and ordered a pumpkin pie.
     So we are going to have apple and pumpkin.  And the cupcakes that I got after Chuck won them at Rotary.
     Jackie's brother Bob is a cherry pie eater.  So whenever he came, we would have cherry pie.  I love cherry pie.  But since Bob is living where the frost don't sting, we never have cherry pie.
     Imagine my surprise when I picked up the pie and discovered she had ordered  a cherry pie to surprise me!
     When I got home she was also surprised.  She did not remember even mentioning cherry pie when she ordered.
     Oh well.......dessert is about 5.   Feel free to stop.
Peace and Love and Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

winner winner, chicken dinner

This was a pretty lucky day

     How lucky was it?
     The doorbell rang about 10 and a wonderful woman named Debby dropped off some cream puffs for Jackie and me!  (You know who she is, don't you?)      Well, thank you very much.  They are absolutely divine.
     Then I got a phone call from WRHL.  When they had the food drive last week, I dropped off a donation and filled out an entry blank for a drawing.  I won!  The prize box was from Pepsi and included a 12 pack, a Blue tooth speaker, a great sweatshirt, and a Chicago Bears' football with an autograph from a current player!
     I went to Rotary and every week I say I am going to win the football pool drawing and pick the Sunshine Bakery cupcakes.  Well, I didn't win, but Rotarian Chuck won and gave them to me!  Thank you, my friend!
     Honestly, this is the most up beat I have felt in a while.
     So basking in the glow of great luck, I bought a lottery ticket and the most nonamazing thing happened.  Every upper has a downer.  I didn't win!
     But if I had, I would have spent the $200 million in a very creative manner.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 25, 2019

what's in your closet?

I don't always understand modern life

     Like why valve and salve don't rhyme. 
     Or Poshmark.
     I see the commercials on late night TV.  Some young person, usually a female, tells us she made enough to buy a car, take a family vacation, pay for her wedding, or do a number of other great things simply by selling stuff in her closet.
     Or the commercial where the lady says she only paid $100 for the $700 boots.
     All I keep thinking is if the person selling the clothing hadn't bought the clothing in the first place, they would have been driving that car or taken that vacation already. 
     How much clothing do you have to sell to earn $10,000?  If I sold every item of myclothing in my closet, dresser drawers, and tubs in the basement, I would not net $10.  Well, maybe someone would pay more for the ripped jeans I wear in the yard.  But not a lot more.
     I do need to get serious about selling stuff on line, however.  I have small antiques, and knick knacks that someone may be interested in having.  But I doubt I'll earn enough to buy a car or pay for a family vacation.  It would be nice if I did, but it would also be a great surprise.
     So....where would you sell your unwanted items?  I'd appreciate your suggestions.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 24, 2019

a present? for me?

You know I love the Beatles

     Wait...the Beatles or The Beatles?  I think just Beatles.
     But if I say I love Beatles, then people might hear me and think dung beetles or June bugs.  Whatever.
     I love their music.  The Beatles, not the June bugs, although that would be a cute name for a group.
     I listen to the Beatles on Sirius almost constantly.  I plan to visit Liverpool next summer and see the Cavern Club, John's home, Paul's home, Penny Lane and the barbershop and hopefully the Casbah Coffee Club.
     Today on the radio they played the boxed set newly released by Apple Records.  The set features all the Beatles singles.....each with a unique jacket.     Sirius played them in the order they were released, and it was interesting that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the fourth or fifth single, but the one that brought them into the spotlight.
     I don't want this set.
     First off, it is on vinyl.  I don't have a record player.
     Second, it is well over $200. 
     Third, they are all singles.  Yes, singles.  You get something like 186 individual records, all the size of a 45 but with a small hole in the center so you don't need an adapter.
     I guess you play them one at a time.....which is also a pain.  I remember those days!  I did have one of those adapters that allowed me to stack several 45s and have them play one after another, but sometimes two records fell and some times none fell.  Good times.
     So...scratch that off my list.  It is too much money and too much trouble.
     But so much music......
    Good times, my friends.  Good times.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 23, 2019


The world is a crazy place

     I saw an ad on Facebook tonight that amazed me.
     Maybe it was the Russians, or some prankster.  But the product was a snuggle suit with a built in beanie chair so you could sit down anywhere.
     It looked incredibly dumb and the people wearing it looked like they had an abnormal rear end.   Part of me says it was a joke, but then the other part of me says a sucker is born every minute.
     The makers of Uno, the card game, have changed colors.  The red and blue cards will be replaced by orange and purple in a "nonpartisan" version of the game.
     Really?  Playing Uno causes people to be in political camps based on the color of the cards?  And changing the color will somehow make that Draw Two more palatable if you are a Republican being hit by a Democrat?  I think not.
     I seem to have forgotten something.
     Yesterday was Julia's brthday.  No, I did not forget her birthday.
     But I did forget the day....Nov. 22.  1963.  The day Camelot died and our world was changed forever.
     I just wish Oswald would have told the world why he did it. 
     I never thought I would forget what happened that day......but I did.  It wasn't until mid day before I realized what I had done.
     Kind of sad in a way, but totally understandable.  I  think.
Peace and Love

Friday, November 22, 2019

fun times

Today was a pretty interesting day

     First off, nobody fell.  That's a big deal in our house lately.
     Second, I spent a couple hours in the morning packing up bags for the needy family Thanksgiving food drive.  We packed about 250 bags with canned goods, rice, beans, and other items.  Plus each person will get a turkey, some potatoes, and other groceries donated by local businesses.
     Then.....we visited two friends with scooters.  We wanted to see what options are available.  One person has a scooter that we can have if we want it.  It is heavy, so I don't think I can move it in and out of the car.
     The other person has a scooter that disassembles into three relatively light parts that can then be loaded in the car or taken on a plane.  That is their scooter, and is used.  But we have the name of the company that sells them.
     All this is new to us, but something we have to consider.
     I got to thinking that maybe we get both and have two scooters, one for use in the car and the other for use in the home.  Seems kind of extravagant actually.
     We also gave Corki a bath.  Actually, a shower.  She would not talk to us for a couple of hours but seems to be ok now.  Plus she smells better.
     Tomorrow I am taking her to the vet because she is scooting.  Could be allergies, could be something else.  We just want to be sure.
     And weirdly, our electricity popped on and off about 4 times.  Every time I reset the microwave and oven clocks, it went out again.  Never for long....just enough to irritate a person.  Yesterday it was out for about 2 hours.  Wonder what's up?
     I did go out last night to see the meteor shower but the clouds made that impossible.  Seems every time there is a celestial event, it is cloudy.
     There was a cartoon character...Joe Btfsplk in Andy Capp....and sometimes I think he is me.  Or verse visa.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 21, 2019

let there be light

I put up Christmas lights today

     I need someone to spain sometin to me, Lucy.
     I have 30 strands of lights.  I test the all before I put them away.  If they don't work, I don't put them away.
     So why are 3 strands not working this year?  Seriously.....they have not been used in 11 months, how can they burn out?
     I know almost all of the stuff is made in China.  That always makes me kind of laugh.  We buy billions of dollars of Christmas stuff made in a country where they don't celebrate the holiday, and probably don't understand why we Americans keep buying the stuff.
     We are of the older generation that still sends Christmas cards, and it was hard to find cards made in the USA.  I know that sounds trite....but if we can't produce Christmas cards in this country, we are in trouble.
     And maddeningly, it is our choice.  we don't have to buy the made in China stuff.  We can find alternatives....unless it is electronics, cell phones, can openers.  Oh my gosh, there is not much choice!
     Thanks to Julia, I have tickets for the Cubs and St. Louis in London next June.  It should be a fun time.
     Anyone with a week or two to spare is welcome to camp out at my house and help out Jackie.   Just sayin.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

wow....really wow

I am deeply grateful for all  the comments

     Yesterday I had a bit of a pity party, partly out of fear, partly out of frustration.
     It is what it is.
     Thank you all for your offers of help, your phone numbers, your suggestions, your caring.
     We do appreciate it.
     I know all the trite sayings, things are always darkest before the storm; the sum will come up tomorrow; count your blessings, it could be worse. 
     And I know God doesn't answer all prayers.  If he could, my wife would be walking around the house these days and I wouldn't be a frustrated old man playing solitaire at 1 a.m.
     If you are female, please take vitamin D.  Articles I have read seem to say that D could prevent MS.  I would say take a lot of it, but I will leave that to Emily the pharmacist to voice a suggestion.
     There are worse diseases, but it is hard to measure the impact MS has on a person, their family, their friends, their lifestyle.
     Going out to eat is hard because handicapped restrooms don't always accommodate a person with a handicap.  Stores often cram so much stuff in their aisles that getting a wheelchair or scooter between the racks is impossible.  Simple acts, like opening a door, become a challenge.
     And the biggest fear....that of abandonment, or placement in a facility, which are often viewed as the same.
      I told Jackie we are not going anywhere.  It won't be easy, but we'll tough it out.
     All your good thoughts will help us through it.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

not enough words

I am in a quandary of sorts tonight

     I know, Dickow is a funny guy.  But not tonight.
     I had to take the German back up to Rockford because the brakes were really soft.
     My phone rang while I was in the bathroom at the dealership.  By the time I got back to my phone, Jackie had hung up.
     I tried calling but did not get through.
      Tried the house phone, but could not get an answer.
     Eventually she Facetimed me using her watch.
     She fell in the bathroom. 
     I called John, but he was in Sycamore.  So Kevin and Mary Kay came to the rescue and Emily took off from work to help.
     Jackie is not hurt.  She landed softly.  It's the fifth time in the last month she has fallen.  We are dodging bullets.
     It is clear we have to make changes in our living situation.  After talking with Emily, we thought it would be good to have additional help at times.  Also, getting an electric scooter to facilitate movement around the house would be helpful.  Possibly having some physical therapy in home a couple of times a week to build up balance and maybe prevent further deterioration of her mobility.
     So tomorrow we start the challenge of getting more help.
     I tell you, it was frightening to be away from home, not knowing what her situation was because she was all alone.
     I have said so many times before, I hate MS.  I hate what it has done to my wife, to my family, our friends, me.........  I can also say I am frustrated, and scared. 
   That's all I have tonight.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 18, 2019

techi, I am not

Electronics baffle me

     I am doing a short presentation to a group on Wednesday.  I wanted to download pictures to use.
     I picked the pictures, then ordered them.  I saved them as a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.
     I tried saving them to a thumb drive without doing a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.,
     John suggested I renumber I did.
     Plugged it into the TV where I am doing the presentation and.....out of order.
     Three people worked for over an hour to figure how to just open the thumb drive and show the pictures.  We can now do it, but the pictures are in edit mode.       That should not be a problem.
     Now I have 6 slide shows to delete.  I can't see a delete slide show option.      The Apple people say click and go to the drop down menu and find delete.  I can't find the drop down menu.
     This should not be so difficult.  I am obviously missing a step.  Or 4.
     I am not the only one in this household challenged either.
     During my migraine, I thought I would watch a little Thursday night football.  Jackie put it on and I'm sitting there thinking.....this is in Spanish!  I went to another TV and same channel, but in English.
     And someone seems to have found the option for vision impaired people watching television.  I honestly thought it was film noir.....  "Yes, I am leaving."  Jason walks to the door.  He opens the door and turns to Jessica, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.  "Where are the books"  Jessica brings him 84 books that he had stacked on his desk.  He leaves, closing the door behind him.
     It almost makes me want to adopt a teenager just so we can figure all this crap out.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 17, 2019

catching up

It's amazing what time away from something does

     I had a migraine for three I did not spend much time on the computer.  Did not read the paper, or check Facebook endlessly, or browse through my Yahoo e-mail.
     If I had gone to Yahoo mail, I would have found 193 e-mails!  That is the account we use when buying stuff, so 95 percent of the Yahoo stuff was advertising or promotional material.
     But I did get one offer from a lady in Africa who has some sort of mine she has to sound like a great opportunity.
     I also fell a little behind on laundry.  That is almost caught up.  And housework in general.  Even though the house was cleaned Thursday, living with a dog that sheds means floors have to be cleaned.  I have not kept up with that.
     All is getting back to normal however.  Tomorrow I will tackle the 4 days of dishes....just kidding, only today's.
     After watching the Bear game, I opted to not do anything in the kitchen for fear I would start throwing stuff.  What a terrible game.
     Again, thank you for all you kind words.  It's nice to know I have friends.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 16, 2019


I think I hit the end of migraine week

     Just in  time too.  We had an Exit 99 show tonight and I was a little nervous.
I stopped for coffee at Cypress House and had a double shot of espresso...and my headache disappeared!  Thanks, Amy, for the fix!
     Our show was funny.  At least, I thought it was.  I really enjoy doing this because the people I am with are amazing.  Funny, smart, and willing to put up with an old guy.  Did I mention talented?  We have been doing this for a while and I just enjoy being with them.
     On my way to let the dogs out, I saw a huge racked buck along Skare Road.    On my way back, I got he camera ready just in case....but no luck.  He had a rack dat would stretch across da whole state!
     Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes and caring thoughts.  I am documenting the migraines and I will go to a doctor next time.
     Some pictures from the past week and more.

Peace and Love

Concept for an action figure...carrot robot man, complete with shooting tentacles!

Not that's a carrot!

How I spent the last three tea, ice pack, blindfold and man's best friend

I was up at 2 a.m. and saw this guy at my bird feeder

Moony the blue blob a UFO?

Friday, November 15, 2019

day 3

Might be on the road to recovery

Did not feel bad today, at least until about an hour ago.
Ate food, rested, now I think I'll head for bed.
Thanks for all your good wishes and suggestions.  They are appreciated.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 14, 2019

day 2

Still not 100 percent

     Currently I feel better, but still have a headache.  I am skipping the zoo tomorrow, because I just don't know how good I'll feel and a 90 minute drive might not be a good idea.
     Lots of liquids, ice packs on my head, sleeping most of the afternoon, and maybe the worst is over.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

snooozy day

I spent most of  the day asleep

     I woke up with dizziness and nausea, followed by a headache.  I went back to sleep in my chair until noon, then slept for most of the afternoon.  It's about 11 now, and the headache is still there, but the nausea and dizziness are almost gone.
     Adding to my misfortune, someone decided to miss the toilet with her body, so John had to come over and help pick her up.  Then I accidentally called Chicago John and could not figure out why my phone was talking to me.
     We also learned today a fellow parishioner at St. Paul passed away.  He was a good soul and will be missed.
     This is a day that could not have happened and I would be happy.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


It's a beautiful night

     Ok, it is a little cool.  But the moon...amazing.  It is so bright,  I always expect to see deer or other critters wandering across the fields, but I never do.
     The other night I heard an owl hooting to the north, and another responding from the south,  It was very neat.  I was going to say cool, but that might have been the experience or the temperature.  I used neat to be clear, yet ambiguous.  Got it?
     I went outside with the dog tonight.   Jackie worries about coyotes eating little Corki, so I often go out with her.
     Tonight I put my old shearling coat on and stepped out.  I was so warm!     Except for my legs, which were stinging.  But my upper part was toasty.  I forget how warm the coat can be.
     Here's a puzzle.  Got in my car today and found a name tag on the front seat.  It said Ed.  The handwriting was not mine.  Name tag was not used.
     Why was it in my front seat?  Damn strange.
     And I had a Popeye's classic chicken sandwich tonight....that was a damn good sandwich!  I really liked it.
     With that happy thought, I think I will wear my coat to bed tonight.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 11, 2019

what do they know?

I get strange pop ups on Facebook

     Recently I have been getting them for a retirement community in North Carolina.
     The houses look nice, all outside maintenance included in the HOA fee.  Plus, it is warmer and not as snowy as here.
     I thought of that today as I was creeping along Flagg Road.  I had an appointment to take the German into the dealer for an oil change.  It usually takes me less than 10 minutes to reach town...took a little over 20 today. 
     Yes, I should have cancelled and waited for a more Novembery day.  But I am not very smart in  those things.
     I made it on time and then waited while they performed the estimated 90 minutes of service.
     The showroom was the coldest place I have been in lately...must have had the heat (?) on 60.  150 minutes later, my car was ready.
     Seems they drained the brake fluid, but the machine they use broke and they had to do it manually.  Then there was air in the system, so they had to redrain it and start all over.
     By the time I got home, my driveway had been plowed, I was hungry, and had a little headache from reading while waiting.
     Flagg Road was better.....but not great.  There was another car in the ditch, so it was still slick.
     As I sit here, the wind is howling.  My toes are cold.  And North Carolina is looking pretty good.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Sometimes I don't see too good

     Which explains why when I sign into my Walgreen's account I sign is a Terru.  The U is next to the Y and sometimes I hit the wrong key.
     Not that there is anything wrong with being called Terru.  I have been called worse.  As the old comedian, last name Johnson, would say:  Call me Terry, call me Terru, just don't call me late to supper.
     I just learned a new hick name for my age group.  Boomer.  As in OK Boomer.  I had never heard the expression before, unless you include the days when former NFL QB Boomer Essaison (or however you spell it) was calling games.
     Today I learned it is a nickname, usually derogatory.  I also learned it is going out of style.  So I learned something that is already outdated.
     Go figure.
     I use spell check a lot.
     It gets frustrating when I spell a word correctly and it pops up as wrong when I type this blog drivel.  For example. learned always comes up as wrong with the correction learn ed.  Totally wrong.
     Last night I misspelled also as als and the corrections came up ally alley, and ails, but not also.  I also spelled temperature incorrectly.  I spelled it temperaque and the choices given for correct spelling were temperature and deprecatory.     Tonight neither are given as options.  Seriously?  Must be a jokester programming the spell check.
     Goingto bed early.....need to get a head start on the 67 inches of snow we are going to get and the -90 temps.  Maybe it will be windy as well.
     Oh...the US is pulling out of the Paris climate agreement.  Not to worry, our weather s fine.   And s is apparently ok instead of is, because it did not come up as a mistake...although spelled does.  Go figure.
     Peace and Love

Saturday, November 9, 2019


I only have one word....ugh

     I know, it is not a word, but it describes my feelings about the upcoming weather.
     Snow.  Record breaking lows. 
     A January forecast in the early stages of November.
     I took advantage of the balmy temps today to get some outside stuff done.  OK, balmy might be a stretch, but 46 did not feel terribly cold.
     With John's help, I got the grill in the garage and the concrete planters moved into the garage.  The planters are in the way, but they are too heavy to drag very far.
     I brought in the patio umbrella, the wind catchers, two porch chairs and a chaise lounge, 3 potted plants and the upright herb garden. 
     I also tackled the hardest task.  The mower.
     When I mow, I have a tendency to just park it in the garage when done.  That is a mistake.  I need to get in the habit of cleaning the deck off.
     I must have had 30 pounds of grass stuck underneath.  It's a wonder the mower even ran.
     I scraped, and then I scraped some more.  Then I used the hose to wash underneath.  Then I scraped a little more.  By the way, using a hose with temps in the mid 40s is not a pleasant experience.
     I think I got most of it off.....there was a lot.  A lot.
     I need to do a better job of cleaning my tool.  (Pervs...that is NOT a sexual reference.  Jeez.)  And next year I will do that.
     That is, if the temperature gets above 50.
     Now, I am  going to burrow under the blankets like a little baby.
Peace and Love

Friday, November 8, 2019

odds and ends

Kind of another strange day

     Made contact with someone I went to NIU with a long time ago.  We exchanged pleasantries and he directed me to a Facebook page featuring a group of people I had known from various classes.
     I saw two names of classmates who have died.  I know a couple of others not listed. 
     Suddenly I felt old and vulnerable.
     Sometimes remembering the past also means remembering that we all have a limited time on this fragile planet.
     On a happier note, put up three gallon bags of carrots today.  I love carrots.  I have a couple more to finish tomorrow.  I think I will chop these instead of doing rounds.  Maybe they are the secret to a long life.
     We are no longer a hole in the wall gang.  Our wall is repaired and painted.  That is the good news.  Bad news, I think I grabbed the wrong paint.   We have a two toned wall.  Unless it dries a lot lighter.  A lot.
     Went out to enjoy a couple of glasses of red with a group in Creston.  They meet once a month in the old wine store.  Everyone brings a snack and their own wine.
    I usually don't go because it seems to fall on a zoo day and I don't want to be gone 8 hours and then leave that night.  But today was not a zoo day, so it was fun talking with people and sipping the nectar of the vine.
     Last night I drove out to the park to watch the sunset for a minute or two.  I was on my way back from Emily and John's house and the west looked darn pretty.
     My phone does not do it justice.

Even got geese in the scene!

Peace and Love

Thursday, November 7, 2019

long cold winter ahead

I am freezing

     I can't seem to get warm.  I was outside with the dog and the cold just went right through me.  I almost feel like I need to put on long underwear.
      I am glad I dug carrots yesterday, but I sat out in the driveway today washing them.  In the cold.  Freezing  My hands in water.  Cold.
     Tomorrow will be slice and dice day and I am looking forward to working in the warmth.  I am not necessarily looking forward to the job, just being inside.
     In the past two days we have had a lot of traffic:  floor guy, water guy, cart we had the heating guy to check the furnace.
     Funny thing.  We have a humidifier on the furnace but it does not seem to run.  In 7 years, you would think we would have to replace a filter at least once, but we never have.
     The gut today said there is something wrong with the control.  It runs in test mode, but not on its own.  It's a puzzle.  Hopefully a new control will solve the problem.
     But by nature, I am not an optimistic person.
     Guess that is the cross I have to bear.
Peace a d Love

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today was, well, hectic

     I went to school for mentoring, only to learn there was an early dismissal.  The trip was not wasted as I had stuff to drop off at the high school, which is just across the field.
     Then at 12:30 we had a gent come and measure our master bedroom for wood flooring.  Jackie drags a leg.  On the carpet, it creates a lot of friction and makes for a slow walk.  I think a wood floor would help her get around . Also, when we get an electric scooter, it will be easier to maneuver on the hardwood than on carpet.
     As soon as Chad walked out the door, the people came to pick up the golf cart.  And the plumber called to see if he could stop.   Loaded the cart, led them to Emily and John's where they picked up the second cart then went back home just in time to meet the plumber.
     We have a toilet that runs.  Turns out a faulty seal may be the cause, so the seal was replaced and I have not heard it run.  Yet.
     Then I carried in the patio umbrella and pulled carrots.... a lot of carrots.
Tomorrow I will wash them and then we will blanch them and put them in the freezer, making sure I close the door.
     Then I tried to create a slide show for a talk I am giving next week.....and that is proving to be a nightmare.  I can't use a program like Google Presentations because there is no Internet.  And I can't use my PC and connect to a TV because my PC seems to be dead due to a  non replaceable battery issue.
     I'll be was hard with Jackie tonight.  Her mobility seems to slip away a little more each day. 
     I spent the last hour binge eating and playing solitaire because it has jut been a stressful day.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


I mowed today

     Damn, it was cold out there!
     I mowed because I could mulch the leaves, plus my grass was a little long.
     I dropped the mower down to 3.25 inches from it's normal 3.5 and I plugged it a couple of times.  So I moved it back to 3.5.
     My hands, feet, ears, cheeks were all cold.
     I had to have a hot chocolate when I was done.
     At some point I should clean out the mower.  I am sure there is a lot of grass underneath.  Maybe if the weather is nice this weekend I will get that done.
     I may be the last person to mow in the neighborhood.  I tend to put things off as long as possible.
     For example, changing the smoke detector batteries.  I try to do that on Oct. 8, but I have yet to change them.  Hopefully tomorrow. 
     And the carrots are still in the ground.  Hopefully Thursday.
     The rest of the porch furniture?  Hopefully Friday.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 4, 2019

DST.......not for me

I don't think I like Daylight Savings Time

     Since the time change, I have been soooooo tired.
     I sit in my chair to read, and I fall asleep.  I fell asleep during the Bears' game and missed the two scores....but they seemed to have fallen asleep too.
     Twice today I fell asleep while reading.
     It can't be for lack of bed time.  I went to bed at 10:30 last night and got up at 8.  Well, got up for the final time at 8 anyway.  Old man's problems.......
     It's barely 10 and I am having trouble keeping my eyes open.
     I was staying up until midnight most nights, and getting up at 8.  I seem to be in bed longer, but more tired.
     Maybe some exercise will help...but I rode the stationary bike yesterday and I was still tired afterward.
     When I get tired, I get irritated.  And grouchy  No amount of wine or chocolate seems to help.
     With that, I am off to bed.
     Sweet dreams.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 3, 2019

will he? or won't he?

I am getting a little concerned

     Talked to a guy last week about storing golf carts.  He said he would pick them up tomorrow, and he would call a day ahead.
     I have not had a call.  Does that mean he is not coming? 
     I think next year I will just store it in my garage.  SIL John said that is what the dealer will do, plus a little clean up and maintenance check.  That is the part I want done....making sure the cart is in good working condition at the start of the year.
     I get perplexed.
     Brother Carl and wife Ruth headed back to Florida today.  Funny, they were here for five months and I only saw them 3 or 4 times.  Time flies...should haves and could haves are always a thing in life, right?
     I did watch part of the Bears today.  They were so pathetic!  I decided to watch a real team and turned on Green Bay when I rode my inside bike.  That was worse.  I don't think any Central Division team won today.
     I did pick up all the Halloween decorations.  They are not put away, just picked up.  When you are retired, there is always time tomorrow.
     That's my life in a nutshell.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 2, 2019

fun times

Had a pretty good time tonight

     Exit 99, the improv comedy group I am in, performed in Ashton tonight.
     I know, Ashton isn't NYC or Chicago, but it is a pretty neat town.  We performed for the Pegasus Special Riders benefit.
     We often start with the alphabet game, where two (sometimes 3) people carry on a conversation where sentences start with the alphabet.  The audience suggests a topic and a letter.
     Tonight Carrie and I were siblings at Disney World, starting with G.  We worked down the alphabet and she had a W starting sentence.  I answered back with Zowie, that was fun.......but several people yelled that I was wrong. 
Oops....I forgot X!  Me bad.
     We also did a game where we have to answer a riddle based on audience clues.
     My answer was a chainsaw made of silk used to cut down sugar cane in the Galapagos Island.
     I could not get Galapagos. My partner gave excellent clues....but I could not get it.  She finally said, "She was wonder woman."  And I answered Linda Carter.
     That may have been true back in 1970.....but a lot of the younger folks had no idea who Linda Carter was.
     After acting like a girl walking and then hopping on a pogo stick, I finally got Galapagos.....and learned that Gal Gadot starred in it. 
     I have learned several new things this week. 
     I learned what a VSCO girl was, not that I needed to know that.
     I learned that I am not careful in closing my freezer door.
     I learned who my new neighbors are.
      And maybe a thing or two that might have temporarily slipped my mind.
     With that....Happy Daylight Savings Time!
Peace and Love

Friday, November 1, 2019

beat me up, Scottie

I am kind of grouchy

     My own fault.
     I have been eating too much and exercising too little lately.  That's a bad combination.  I am afraid I have screwed up the losses I had made since Switzerland.  Now I am beating myself up for my lack of will power.
     I also make some bad decisions.
     I had a zoo day and when there, I am supposed to wear zoo clothing.  When I went to lunch, I grabbed a coat just to keep me warm until I walked to the nearest restaurant, which was about 2 minutes away.
     The coat was a medium.  It did not zip, but I could pull it almost shut.  It was ok for a 2 minute walk.
     Except that restaurant is on winter hours, which means it is closed.  So I had a 5 minute walk.  I was frozen when I got there.  Plus, the place was packed with school groups, so I had to eat my lunch at the only available tables....which were outside.  In the freezing cold.  With a too small jacket.  That I could not hold closed because I needed both hands for the food.
     I'm still not warm.
     On the drive home I was impressed by the stupidity of my fellow humans.      One guy was driving a  rental truck, was behind me, passed me on the left, then pulled in front of me and hit his brakes so he could move over 2 lanes for his exit.
     And  two guys were either in a road rage incident or racing each other to see who could get home first.  Both of them were weaving back and forth across four lanes of traffic.  Last I saw  they were side by side on a one lane exit ramp.
     Then I stopped for supper.  I specifically told the girl NO PLASTIC WARE!  I was polite but emphatic.  When the guy was packing my order, he put in two forks and spoons.  I politely asked him to take them out.
     I wonder how many people who order take out need plastic spoons and forks?  Are they eating in their cars?  Or motel rooms?  If I am eating at home, I sure as hell am not using those dinky little forks.
     And I got a little girl in trouble.  (Not that kind, pervs...she was little).  She was playing with blocks and animals and threw one of the animals to her brother.  She said, "Flying giraffe!"  I laughed.  She smiled at me and did it again.  "Flying elephant!"  I laughed again.
     She proceeded to pelt her brothers with every animal she could pick up, despite her mother telling her to stop.  I did not laugh anymore, but the tone was set.
     After about 437 flying animals,  mom sort of lost it.  What ever she said to the girl, while gripping both arms tightly and getting within an inch of her ear, was effective because all animals were carried from that point on.
     If I hadn't laughed, she might not have gotten the positive reinforcement and not continued her aerial assault.
     Me bad.
Peace and Love