Sunday, June 30, 2019

what a day

Sunday was a wild day

     Jackie's brother Bob and his wife Anita and their sister Judy came over today.  Bob is a transplanted that how you write it?..... living in Florida and is up for a visit.  Emily and John also came over.
     We had a great time visiting, laughing, eating, watching the Cubs lose.
     There were some surprises......I'll let the pictures do the talking.

This goes back to Friday in LaGrange.....checkerboard tables set up in the downtown.  I liked this one, especially.

On my front door window today....looks gigantic, doesn't it?  Matter of perspective.

Somebody asked for steak sauce. I had this.  Julia got us some when she worked for Nestle in DeKalb.   That was 18 years ago.  Still have it.  For some reason, no one wanted to use it.  I tossed (gasp!) the bottle out

The nozzle for the whipped cream broke....Emily did her best

After everyone left, this was the sky.......rained, but nothing bad

Saturday, June 29, 2019

say what you mean

People, and things, need to speak clearly

     For example:  Prepare to turn left does not mean turn left.  It means get ready.
Jackie pointed that out as I was driving down a road that looked familiar.  I said it had to be right because the GPS hadn't corrected me.  Two seconds later I was told to make a legal u-turn when it was safe.  That got us back to the road I should not have turned off of, or from which I should not have turned, whatever is correct.
     Then I was told to turn left in 700 feet.
     I was busy determining 700 feet, about two football fields, when I drove past the road I should have prepared to turn left at  in the first place. Luckily the road was a U, so when I did turn left, I ended up at the correct spot.
     After a wonderful afternoon/evening of pizza and visiting, we headed home.
     I had mentioned it would be great to find a Binny's on the way home, because there was some rosé (I figured out how to do the little marks, BTW) I was looking for but could not find.
     I knew there was one in St. Charles, so we took IL 38 instead of the tollway.  After driving for what seemed days, we found the Binny's and I was happy to see they had the wine I wanted.  I bought 3 bottles.  Should have bought more.
     We didn't rely on GPS to get home.  I am like an old horse used to the stable at night.... I can eventually find my way back.
     It's getting there that's an issue.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 28, 2019

wrong button

I overslept today

     On zoo days I get up at 6:30.  Now, friends, I don't like getting up early.  8 a.m. is early to me, so 6:30 requires a great deal of effort.
     Especially when I put the last load in the dryer at 11:30 p.m..  I think it is still in the dryer, 24 hours later.  Oops.
     So when the alarm went off at 6:30, I thought I would reset it for another 15 minutes. The cuckoo woke me up.  I thought it was strange that it was going off way before the hour.
     Was I surprised when I discovered it was 7:10.
     I gulped down breakfast, took a shower and headed out the door.
     Had to get gas, and I had to wipe a big yellow glob off my passenger side window.  I hit something because there was a big glob of yellow on the mirror and across the window.  What kind of bug has yellow insides???
     I was doing fine until the obligatory stop at the DeKalb oasis to rid myself of the morning tea.
     The speed limit is 70.  Confession, I normally drive about 74 or 75.  I know, I know....but even at that speed people pass me like crazy.
     So there I was, tooling down the road when I caught up to two cars doing about 68.  One was in the left lane, one was in the right.  Both doing the same speed.
     Sure, the guy in the right lane would speed up to 71 or so, and the guy in the left lane would keep up and alongside him.  Then somebody would slow, and they both would slow.
     It was not a road rage or anything....they just drove the same speed.
     Mile after mile after mile.
     I was in the left lane, but the guy never moved over.  So I moved to the right lane.  A huge pick up came barrelling up in the left lane and I thought there was going to be an accident.  But left laner realized it was either get out of the way or get hit, so he sped up and moved over.
     The pick up passed both of them, and I passed both of them  I watched in my rear view mirror as the guy originally in the right lane moved to the left lane and continued to drive next to the other car.
     I can see where road rage comes from!  I was getting seriously vexed.
     I got to my destination on time.....until I realized my phone was in the car and had to go back and get it.  So I was late.
     It only took me 5 hours and 7 stops to get home.... a record!
Peace and Love

Thursday, June 27, 2019

here and gone

Best laid plans often go astray

     I sat down to do my little thing (blog, people.  don’t be so dirty) and the Internet was gone.  Poof.  Like a piece of chocolate cake on my plate.  Disappeared.
     Which is unfortunate, because it was probably the best blog of my life…..and now I don’t remember it.
     I think I hear thunder, so maybe that is why.
     I did play a spider solitaire game.  I have two on my computer that say 24/7.    One version has a plain field, while the other version has spider webs throughout the field.  I can’t win on the second one.

     So is it psychological?  Or is one game easier?  Inquiring minds want to know.
     Meanwhile, the magic has reappeared.  Just in time for bed.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

over and under

Summer seems to have arrived

     I knew it would, but I still am unprepared.
     I decided to ride at about 2:30 today.  I think I under estimated the heat.  It was in the upper 80s,  but at the start it did not feel uncomfortable.
     I over estimated my ability to ride in the heat, and I became very tired toward the end. 
     I also under estimated the amount of sun.  I started out in clouds, but eventually the sun was out in full force.  I over estimated the ability of my skin to repel the sun's rays.  My legs are a bit "tight" tonight.
     When I was almost done I stopped for an iced coffee at Cypress House and spent some needed time in the shade, relaxing.  I did manage to get in a little over 10 miles, but the last mile was tough.
     Then I went to Wallyworld.  I had on a smelly, stained shirt and my biking pants.  No, not the skin tight type.  I have biking shorts that look like regular shorts but there is padding on the inside along with Spandex thighs....but looking at me, they just look like shorts.
     Emily saw me and did a double take.....she might have rolled her eyes at my appearance.  I looked terrible and smelled worse.
     But, all is well that ends well.  Went home, showered, walked the dog, puttered in the garage, and watched the Cubs lose a winnable game.
    I know the heat will amp up, so I will be a little more selective in when I ride.
    And I'll use sunscreen too.
Love and Peace

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

something new

I had a couple of new experiences today

     I put up balustrades at KidsGround.  Granted, I worked with someone but he left at 4 and I finished the project!  I screwed them in. leveled them, placed them correctly. OK, it took me a while, but I got it done.
     It was kind of funny.  All the pieces were cut, but we were short 11 pieces.  I went and asked for 11 pieces, went back to the site and discovered we needed 20 pieces.  I went back to the cutting area and ordered 20, only to find out we didn't need that many after all...we just needed 8.  I swear, I don't know how the two of us figured it.  I think we may have double counted one area.
     But all is well that ends well, because there were not 20 pieces and they were out of that type of material.
     I stayed about 4 hours and went home right at the end.  The play area is already attracting kids.  It is truly a neat thing.  I even stood on the wobbly board that Jackie and I sponsored.  Darn near fell off.
     Tonight we went to supper at a local pay what you want restaurant.  If you can't afford anything, then that is fine.  If you can afford it and can pay a little extra, then you help pay for those that can't.  It's a neat idea.  The food was good and there was lots of it.  Hopefully we will go back.
    Then I finished mowing.  Damn grass is growing fast. 
     That's it.  Tomorrow is a relaxing day....maybe a bike ride in the afternoon or early evening.  But for sure, a day to take things easy after this week.
Peace and Love and rest

Monday, June 24, 2019

lost in translation

I'm old, I get confused

     I saw a former student at the playground rebuild today.  I said to myself, and Jackie when I got home, this blond lady looked familiar.
     She knew me, but I could not place her.  Turns out, she was a former student who is now an adult.  It has been a few years since I saw her and it was not clicking.
     Everybody had name tags;  I thought hers said Kathy......but it did not.
     And how do you finish a conversation when the person asks, "Did you get gas?"
     I did a double take and she said, " the hardware store."
     We both laughed about it because when it was explained, it makes sense.
     That's another problem I have.  Sometimes I write something and someone reacts and I am surprised they knew about it.  I forget what I write!
     Long day.  I did manual labor, something I have not done in a while.      Tamping down concrete, moving mulch, hauling trash, sorting boards.....any non skilled job I could do, I did.
     One guy approached me and asked me to put up a railing.  I said I did not think I was capable of that....and trust me, I know my limitations.  He said I looked like I "had been around for a while and knew how to do stuff."  Well, I have been around for a while and I don't know how to do I just declined and continued to move mulch.
     I figured that is better than me attempting something and really messing it up, like the time I hit myself in the face with a hammer while trying to pull out a nail.  I know me.
    And I know I am tired.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 23, 2019

lesson learned

I always lose when I procrastinate

     We have a local hardware store celebrating a grand opening.  They advertised propane tank refills for $9.99.  Normally refills are around $20 or more.  So that is a good deal.
     The offer was good all weekend.
     I got up at early this morning with the intent of being at the store by 9, because they also had a special where you buy a 5 gallon bucket for $1 and then everything you put in it is half price.
     Well, I finally left the house  at 1:30.   The place was packed.  I was in line for about 15 minutes and when I got to the counter with my bucket and my request for propane, they ran out of gas. 
     I had all weekend to save $10 and I blew it!
     However, I did buy a lot of stuff.....a timer to turn hoses on and off, two more hose nozzles, bully sticks for the dog, work gloves, bug spray, butane lighters and a couple of Salted Nut Rolls.
     My bill was $66.....which is half of what I would have paid.  The only things I didn't need were the nut rolls, but I really like them.
     So I saved some money, but could have saved a lot more if I had gone earlier.
     Procrastination hurts...yet I have not learned my lesson.  Someday, maybe.
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 22, 2019

who do you trust

We went to a family graduation party today

     Our niece's daughters graduated and are on their way toe the U of I.  The party was outdoors and it was a gorgeous day.  No rain, no bugs, cool, shady, great food.
     They live in Spring Grove, up near the Wisconsin border north of McHenry.
     My mom used to live in the area and we made frequent trips there.  I found a bakery in McHenry that makes a dyn-o-mite cherry coffeecake but I have not had it in years.
     So I called and asked them to hold one  for me.
     We left at about 11, went to Rockford to pick up my brother, then headed toward McHenry.
     Jackie put an address in the navigation system and off we went.
I didn't think we would ever get here.  The system took us down back roads and in a way that we had never gone.  At one point I said I had no clue where we were, so we just had to follow the GPS.
     It took us through Bull Valley, an area of exclusive homes, narrow, winding roads, and a 35 or 40 mph speed limit.  Twice.  We were following the directions, went through Bull Valley, made a couple of turns and hit a sign that said Bull Valley.
     Normally we would go 120 to McHenry.  But I opted to disregard my copilot and follow the GPS.
     And if you have ever heard of Franklinville, you are one up on me.  I believe we passed that town at some point.
      I bought the coffee cake, saw some cookies, spotted the apple bread and $26 later   I walked out of the bakery a happy person.
     All was well that ended well a little over 2 and a half hours later.   It was a fun get together with lots of food.
     Next time I won't use the GPS.
Peace and Love....

Friday, June 21, 2019


I almost had a bug free day

     I weeded my veggie garden.  Not a gnat or mosquito bothered me the entire  time!  I was amazed.
     I had sprayed my shirt, my arms, my hat, neck, ears, hands.......that may have helped.  But I think the breeze was the main reason.  When I moved to a corner of the house the damn gnats were in my ears and I swear something big me on the leg....several times.
     Judging from my car's windshield, I have extracted a certain amount of revenge on the insect world.  Whatever I hit, it was huge.  And when I ran the washers,  all I got was a huge white streak across the window.  The spritzers did not help much. 
     I cleaned them completely when I got home.
     Nice dinner out tonight with friends who (whom?) we have known for years.  Great conversation, great food....thanks Renee and Wendy!
     Philosophical question.  What is the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits a car windshield?
     Its Butt!!!!!        har de har har har
Peace and Love and clean windshields

Thursday, June 20, 2019


I don't have a green thumb

     I try.  Maybe it's the soil, or the weather, or my timing.
     But I try.
     My strawberry patch did not do well last year.  So this year I ripped out all  the old plants and put in six new, ever bearing plants, that will give us fresh strawberries all summer.
     I also put in some mushroom compost, cow manure and humus,( which is not to be confused with hummus, which Jackie has at lunch).  It rained a lot, so I did not have to water.  After six weeks, I picked my first crop. little, lonely berry.  I figure it is worth about $48.  I ate it.
     To be honest, I did eat two others in the past month.  But seriously?
     Maybe Corki eats them, or the birds, but I doubt it.  I don't see any flowers on the plants.  No flowers, no berries.
     I am not doing something right.
     We had a plot at church that had basically gone wild and year after year we would pick berries.  Mine?  Meh.
     I also had a problem riding today.  I use a Map My Ride ap and today it just would not record my ride.  It kept freezing.  I would reset it and it would freeze.        Very frustrating.  I think I rode 9 miles, but am not sure.  Could have been 8 or 10 too.
     I don't see way to load if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

wet willy

I went for a short bike ride today

     I started out dry, but by the time I was almost home, it started to rain.  Not a heavy rain, just a light drizzle.
     Now, the practical me should have ridden right home.
     But the nostalgic me continued riding, going 3 more miles in the rain.
     Because last year at this time I was biking in the Netherlands with Bob and Diane and it rained on us.  A lot.  We biked in downpours, mists, sprinkles and just plain under the threat of rain.
     It was great. 
     So when I biked today, I didn't see Rochelle.  I saw the Dutch countryside, including windmills and the Ijsselmeer.  I watched goats graze on the grassy sides of the path and saw the paragliders sail over the water.
     The only thing missing was the apple cake with whipped cream.
     Thanks for the memories.....
Pece and Love

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

crappy day

This was not a good day

     I know, the sun was shining, the weather was warm, I have my health.
     But seriously.
     I took gas cans to town to fill up for mowing.  I could not get one of the cans open.  I tried filling the second one, but I had a hard time.  Every gas station I have gone to allows me to barely squeeze the handle and gas comes out slowly, ideal for gas cans.  I went to a different station today and the gas only came out fast, as it would splash out of the container.  I got really frustrated.
     We had our AC tuned up and the on demand water heater cleaned.
     We have had this done every year, as recommended.  Today was a disaster.
     I came in from weeding in the yard and went to wash up and the hot water was green.  It stained my hands and my sink.  Of course, the shop was closed so I called the emergency number.....three times.  Then I called another number and finally someone called back.
     They use a weak acid to clean the tank.  After it is cleaned it is drained.  But, we have a recirculation pump on ours and that has to be turned off otherwise the wash gets into the entire system.  Ours was not turned off.  Honest mistake.  We were told to run the hot water until it ran clear and that would solve the problem.
     Because I waited for them to call, I could not go riding.  I wanted to ride.   Really.  Great day.  But I didn't.
     Then I watched the Cubs put the perfect ending to a day that had a lot of promise.
     And......discovered I did not put the frozen burgers back in the freezer, instead leaving them on the counter where four hours later they were a little mushy.
     And part two:   I was going on an overnight camping trip with John and Dave but the forecast calls for rain... a lot of rain.... so we cancelled.
     That means tomorrow will be sunny and beautiful.
     That's how my day went.  Hope yours was better.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 17, 2019

3 down

I actually did three things today!

     I mowed, weeded and mulched  two small areas and rode my bike.
     I did that all after serving lunches in the park.
     All in all, I feel pretty good about the day.  I should have done some caulking, but that will be tomorrow.....after I pick up the plants I ordered.  If it is not raining, I will also plant them.  Hopefully.
     Still have the bush to dig out.  Worked on it for a few minutes, but it seems to be stronger than I am.
     I always imagine one day I will be caught up.......not this week, for sure.  Maybe the next.  Or the one after. 
     Now, it's time for bed.
Peace and Love...and happy birthday tomorrow to Sir Paul.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

dad's day

I had a pretty nice Fathers' Day

     I did not get a chance to talk to Julia, but Emily and john came over for dinner.  We had some steaks and sweet potato fries.  It was pretty darn good.
     The kids gave me a present.
     Do they know me or what?

     Hand painted by an area woman, it will make a nice addition to the house.            Just wonder where to hang it....Jackie was not thrilled with my suggestion.
     I hope all you fathers and fathers to be had a happy day.  
     It's not always easy being a parent, and I admit I could have done a much better job, but things turned out pretty darn good anyway.
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 15, 2019


Had a great time with extended family tonight

     A niece's daughter graduated, and Jackie's brother retired, plus another niece's son had a birthday, so we went and saw family members that we have not seen in about 10 years.
     These were a brother-in-law's in laws.  A fun group of people, lots of laughter and loud talking and good food.
     My niece and her husband were married about the time Jackie's mother died.  I believe they were married the day or two before the funeral.  Niece said to me tonight, "I'll never forget what you told us at our wedding Terry.  I still laugh."
     It seems her new husband was one of the pall bearers for Jackie's mom.  I said to them, at some point at the funeral, "That's how it gets married, one gets buried."
    I don't remember saying it, but she does...and he does, so it must have happened.
     That was about the last time I saw this group of people.  There was a divorce and they were no longer part of the "family."  They actually had a huge role in one of the most embarrassing days of my life.  Strike that....the most embarrassing day in my life.
    I am sure I told that story sometime over the last four years.
    But it may bear repeating.....just not tonight.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 14, 2019

cats and dogs

I did not get lost today

     I did not end up in Memphis.  That is good.  It was a very nice day today, zoo day, a drive home, history walk, now the Cubs, for as long as I can keep my eyes open.
     Speaking of eyes open, ever pass something a dozen times and not notice it?
     You can see what I mean.

Corki before her haircut
Corki after her trim...really looks different!

This is a a store in LaGrange.....I believe it is the Burlington building.  Now it is an antique mall.  Not sure what removals implies

I have a gargoyle just like this on my patio...may have to buy this one so I have a matching pair.

Peace and Love and Happy Birthday Sir Paul

Thursday, June 13, 2019

an adventure?

I have a zoo day tomorrow

     Normally I take 88 to 294 south, then get off at Ogden.
    But, and as I said about my first girlfriend, this is a big but:  Construction on 294 at 88 caused me to drive very slowly for about 20 minutes.  It normally is a 5 minute drive.
     So tomorrow, I am getting off at Midwest Road and going south to Ogden.  Hopefully I can avoid stopped traffic.
     I tell you this because there is an outside chance I make the wrong turn and end up in Oshkosh, by gosh.  Or Memphis. 
     Since I am a man, I will not stop and ask directions.  Nor will I rely on my phone to navigate the way.  I will look for moss on the sides of trees to help me determine north and then find my way east.
     I will carry water, a couple of protein bars and an empty gallon jug...just in case.
     I did have some amazing news on gas prices, but I seem to have misplaced the receipt I was going to show.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Adieu.  Bon Voyage.  Aloha.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

snip, snip

Today was haircut day

     Corki went to the groomer and was washed and trimmed.  I went to the barber and was trimmed....she preferred not to wash me.
     I was paying the bill at the groomer and Corki was wandering around the office.  Someone opened the front door and out she ran.
     She did not have a leash, just her collar.  But she bolted before I could grab her.
     She went right to the car and stood by the door.  I opened it, she jumped in, and I went back to finish paying the bill.
     To say I was a little frightened is an understatement.  As she bolted I had this fear of her running across the farm fields and me never being able to catch her.
     Worries over.  I think she was just happy to get out of the groomer's and go back home.
     Hindsight says put the leash on her!
Love and Peace

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

no progress

I think we are in a medical week

     Jackie had a doctor appointment today to look at her knees.  She will be getting a treatment in a couple of weeks, once insurance says yes.
     It w as a busy day.  Mowed the yard, went to the doctor, bought new summer pajamas, rode my bike....... and made one other stop, which I should not have done.'s not Sir Paul.....

Last night on our street

who is this guy?

 Not going to lose 10 pounds doing this!

Monday, June 10, 2019

what's up, doc?

I had a doctor's visit today

     Technically, it was a PA as the doctor was not there.  She did a pretty thorough job of questioning me and listening to me.,
     This was my annual heart guy check up.
     Bottom line.....I only have about 18 years to live.
     In the meantime, I have to lose 10 pounds, watch my carbs, and cut down on triglycerides.
     I told her I have eaten this way for 70 years and it is hard to change.  Very hard.
     We have a date for this tine of year in 2020, but she wants to see less of me...about 10 pounds less... at our next meeting.
     I need to eat doubt about it.  Salads, fruits, less carbs.
     And I need to exercise more often. 
     Tonight I rode my bike 6 miles, came home and had a salad.  And pizza.
     Like I said, eating habits are heard to break.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 9, 2019

itchy feet

I need go go somewhere

     In the past week I have seen people posting from Nashville, Hawaii, Disney World, London, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Alaska, and somewhere in the Atlantic. 
     I need to go somewhere!  I need to walk down an unknown street, stumble on the cobbles, eat a foreign food.  I need to talk to someone who does not understand my native tongue.  I need to see mountains and forests and ice caps and whales and elephants and funny looking houses and castles.
     Sigh...... not for a few weeks, anyway.
     Paul McCartney is in Moline Tuesday night.  I had looked at tickets and thought the $324 price was too high.  Today I decided to buy one ticket.  but the $324 ticket is no longer available, the next cheapest is $450.  I decided not to buy a ticket.
     How did I miss the fact that tickets went on sale last September for this?  I must have been asleep.
     Hope it was not my last chance to see Sir Paul.....and to those who have seen him, I am green with envy.
Peace and Love, as Ringo says.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

much mulch

I am physically tired tonight

     Spreading mulch tends to make me tired.  Luckily, I had a friend, SK, come and help.  It made a world of difference!  I worked with someone, which means I did not stop every ten seconds to admire the work.
     I ordered 4 yards of mulch.  I ordered four last year and it was too much.  Four this year is too much.
     Almost all of the gardens are finished ..... but I have a couple of areas left.  Maybe tomorrow.
     As sore as I am, probably Monday.
     When we were done for the day, we had pizza.  I opened a bottle of Italian wine that was imported to the US.  I do not know where the bottle came from, but the wine was a 2001 vintage.  I can't believe I had it that long. 
     It was corked.  That means the corked crumbled when I tried to extract it, so I pushed it all the way down into the bottle and then used a tea strainer to sift out the cork parts.
     I took a wine class once and learned about sniffing a wine, checking it's legs, looking at the color and clarity of a wine.  Well, this puppy was very cloudy.  It smelled ok, but I tried it and my throat actually started to burn.
     So I dumped it.....something I rarely do.  When this has happened before, I have worked on the bottle by myself.  But this one just did not seem like it was a wine that would like me.
    However, the rosé on hand was very good to me.  Now if my body would stop hurting, I would be happy.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 7, 2019

Fly the W

Our Friday baseball package has been a winner

     I think we are 4-1 with three games to go.  I will take that winning percentage!
     Google Joe Moss.....he sat with us on the train ride into the city.  Total stranger, but seemed like an interesting guy.....and a musician to boot.
     Enough of me....time for some pictures from the day.

Sometimes we all need a life ring

Any similarities are strictly a coincidence

food truck festival at Daley Plaza

The Picasso was watching over this truck

Just liked the name

Disappearing skyline

Hey Don!!  Happy healing!!

C'mon Paul, they just smoothed the dirt!

Eye see you

Thursday, June 6, 2019


I found some new holes in my yard

     Several, as a matter of fact.
     I was cursing those ground squirrels as I was mowing, when suddenly out of the grass ran a baby rabbit!
     Honestly, in the almost 7 years we have lived here, I have not seen a rabbit.     Now there were babies running everywhere!.
     Well, truth be told, there were two babies running.
     It seems I was mistaken when I thought Corki had caught some baby ground squirrels....they were rabbits.  To be truthful, they did not look like rabbits or ground squirrels, but I figured they must be the squirrels because we don't see rabbits.
     Corki got three of them last week.  I found a fresh kill today, so she seems to have gotten four babies and I saw two running around.
     She doesn't eat them, just kills them. 
     When I let her into the back yard today, she was actually stalking the area where I think the rabbit den was. 
     Ground squirrels. Rabbits.  Deer.  It's like living in the country.
     Just keep the coyotes away, please.
Peace and Love.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

am I rich?

I did not hear the lottery results today

     I bought my two tickets.  I played the same numbers.  I did my multiple good luck sign movements.
     But I did not win.
     Luckily, during the last thunderstorm I did not get hit by lightning, which I think is more likely to happen than me winning the lottery.
     I need that money for long term care for me!  A friend told me of a great facility for dementia patients, but it is about $9,000 a month.  I may be going there soon.
     Prime example.  Jackie asks what I am doing today.  I t ell her, serve lunch in the park, go to the dentist at 3:45.
     I have had a tooth pain for about three weeks.....well, actually two weeks because it stopped the day I made the appointment to check out the tooth pain.
     I serve lunch and go the the store then head home.  (Rochelle has a free summer lunch program in the park.  Anyone 18 and under can stop and get a box lunch. No need to ask for residency or anything, we just ask if they want a lunch.  It's a great program and if you live in Rochelle it is not too late to apply to help.)
    I get home, have lunch, and at 2 decide to go visit a friend in a nursing home.
    At 4 my phone rings.  The dentist is wondering where I am.
     I completely forgot!
     We talked about it, I wrote it on the calendar, I knew about the appointment.
     So, maybe that place for people developing dementia should be on my radar.
     I just don't remember the name of the place.
Love and Peace and good memory

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


I made BLTs tonight

     We never buy bread.  It turns green before we finish half a loaf,  Sometimes, if we are having grilled cheese for supper, we can get through most of half a loaf, but it's hard.
     So we make a BLT in a tortilla shell, because for some reason we always seem to have them on hand.
     I was putting out the stuff and said to Jackie, "We can't have these...we don't have any cheese."
     For some reason, I was going to put cheese on my BLT!  I have never done that in my life, but tonight I thought it was a thing to do.  My rationale is we were using tortillas and I was thinking tacos, other than that I have no clue.
     She pointed out the error of my thought process, and we had cheeseless BLTs, which probably worked out best.
     I am tired tonight.  I rode my bike, then walked Corki.  About half way  through the walk I realized my legs were turning to mush.  Thankfully she no longer walks fast.
     If the storms are not too loud, or windy, I should be able to sleep.  Hopefully the itching will stop....I just hope it's from bug  bites and not an allergy.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 3, 2019


I weeded for a few minutes tonight

     I gave up because the bugs were so bad.  They were getting in my ears, mouth, eyes, hair....and my back never itched as much as it did tonight.
     I had repellent on, but the bugs must not have noticed.  It could the old repellent also, does that stuff ever go bad?
     I rode the bike path in town and at one pointed opened my mouth and got a bunch of gnats.  I guess it's good protein, but they don't have much of a taste.
     I have intentionally eaten fried grasshoppers and chocolate covered ants, but they had a taste and I was much younger.
     And lord knows how many bugs I have eaten on picnics or at cheap restaurants.
     Even now, hours after being outside, I still can feel them in my hair and ears.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 2, 2019

pity party

Sometimes I wish I wasn't me

I  can't put my outdoor table together because I can't find my nuts.  Correction, the nuts for the table.  I always put them in a baggie and tape it to the table.  This year I rolled out the table and ..... you guessed it, no nuts.
I have to trim the bushes.  Jackie bought me a neat little trimmer last year.  I have the trimmer, the box, the battery ...... but the charging cord seems to be missing.  Not in the box.  Not where it should be.
I toasted a bagel this morning.  Normally I use a wooded toast retrieval device, but not today.  Why?  I can't find it.
I wish I was somebody else.  Somebody who puts things away, is orderly, can throw stuff away, and someone who does not spend hours looking for items that should not be missing.
It's damn depressing.
Some pictures of my week
I saw this car in Rockford, thought it was some type of police vehicle...then I saw the sticker

Had me fooled!  He was wearing sunglasses, and smoking.....

I had never seen an albino gator

Oh no, Terry!  don't turn on the gas for your grill just yet!!
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 1, 2019

why me?

Many are called, few are chosen

     So how come I seem to be chosen a lot lately?
     For the second time in a month I received a billing from Apple for a product we did not order.  For the second time, I went into my Apple account and checked.... we did not have any orders placed.
     Pfishing expedition.  Again.
     I never click on the e mail.  I always check with the store by going to its website, not the link provided on the phony e mail.
     Those scammers should be drawn and quartered.
     Worked outside tonight....have several itchy mosquito bites.  Should have used repellent.
     Hmm....maybe scammers should be staked to a tree in a mosquito infested swamp.  That'll show them.
Peace and not much love tonight