Tuesday, February 13, 2018

who am I

I may have an identity crisis

     And it's not my fault.
     Several years ago we joined AARP.  That is, Terry Dickow and Jackie Dickow joined.
     Simple enough.
     I don't know when stuff started showing up addressed to Terry Dickow IV.
     I assume that is for The Fourth.  I guarantee you there is only one Terry Dickow, although it does add a bit of distinction.
     "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Terry Dickow The Fourth?"
     Then I thought since it is AARP, IV may be a reference to my future hospital needs.  Maybe it's a secret directive for hospitals to only give me an IV and not a suppository.
     So I just ignored it.
     Time goes on.  Soon I started getting mail for Terry Dickow and Terry Dickow IV.
     Then one day I get mail for Terry Dickson and Jackie Dickson.
     We get 2 newspapers, one for Dickow IV, one for Dickson, but none for just plain Dickow.
     Today I finally called because I don't know if we renewed our membership.     We got membership renewals for Dickow, Dickow IV, and Dickson.     Somewhere along the line Jackie lost track of who we were.
     I talked to a very nice lady who looked us up and discovered we had two accounts, one for Dickow IV and one for Dickson.  And our dues were paid until 2021.  We were surprised at that bit of news.
     Now we have one, and there is no fourth involved.
     When I worked for the newspaper, I frequently got phone calls and mail for Jerry Dickler.  Some of the old newspaper crowd still call me Jerry, just for laughs.
     I hope.
     At one time I fantasized about getting a new identity.  I thought if I got a copy of a birth certificate of someone my age who died an infant, I could use that to get a driver's license, then social security, then a passport.......maybe I would have been Terry Dickson.  Or Jerry Dickler.
     And then again, maybe I did and I am.
     Who really knows?

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