Tuesday, February 27, 2018

odds and ends

Consider this an olio

     On the way home from church Sunday I saw a van going down 38 with a Christmas tree tied to the roof.  A real, well, actually dead, tree.  It confused me.
     On my way out the door to get to church I looked for Corki, who was out in the back.  I could not find her.  I went down the steps, and around the corner and there she was.....half of her body in a hole, the other half sticking out of the ground with the tail wagging happily.
     I picked her up and she was full of mud.  So I carried her into the house, straight for the shower, took off my clothes and washed her.  I toweled her off as best I could, but she was still wet when I left.  Jackie was staying home and kept her inside until she was completely dry.  And yes, I did put pants on before I went out.
     I saw Black Panther today in 3-D.  That was pretty cool.  I admit I did have some issues following the story, possibly because I did not know anything about the Black Panther before watching the movie.
     Dark Side of the Moon is 50 years old.  Now, that makes me feel ancient.
     I don't know how to delete e mails from my phone despite having been shown at least 3 times.  I do not know how I got e mails.  212.  I think I did something wrong.
     I need to start gathering my thoughts.
     Someone wants new lamps for the bedroom.  I want them to be made in the USA.  I think it will be a while before we find something agreeable and affordable.
     My hair seems extra shiny and soft.  Plus, I don't itch as much.  Note to self:  Put dog shampoo away after using.  Or not.
     That's it.
     Goodnight and peace out.

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