Saturday, February 10, 2018

solid gold

I love watching the Olympics

     While the opening ceremony was high tech and pyrotechnical, the individual events feature some amazing stories.
     The American figure skater from Carpentersville who a few years ago had broken vertebrae and after recovering, broke more.  Now, at age 20, she is skating in the Olympics.
     The young female speed skater whose father is from Kenya but they live in New Jersey, whose enthusiasm and excitement at being at the games was a delight to watch.
     The 17 year old from Colorado who won a gold doing amazing spins, flips and turns on a snowboard.
     The brother and sister skating team who have been skating together for 20 years, now hoping to win a spot on the medals stand.
     Even the commercials....Toyota and Comcast especially....are much better than Super Bowl ads.
     At one time I had an offer to go to the games in Salt Lake.  I hesitated, and finally said no.  Big mistake.  Julia went to the games in Turin Italy in 06 and I still wear the shirt she bought me.
     I love the winter games, much more than the summer ones.  I don't know why.
    I can't wait for the down hill ski events so I can root for Lindsey and Mikaela and cheer on the luge and skeleton riders and yell for the bobsledders.
     As a bonus, I can watch the crowds for a former student working at the Olympic village.  What a great experience that has to be!
     Someday I would love to ride a sled down a hill....not at the speeds they go, but slowly down a hill.  I had thought last year I would do that, but nature did not cooperate.
     It won't be an Olympics run, but I can still imagine.
     Embrace the winter.

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