Tuesday, February 20, 2018

oh, really

I believe everything on the Internet

     What could be the greatest invention in communication ever would never stoop to having information that was false, or misleading.
     That's why I believe the story about the man coming to Earth from 6,000 years in the future.  He has a picture to prove it.
     Of course, I did not look at the picture because I do not need proof, reading the headline is good enough.
     When in journalism school, I read a story in the National Enquirer with the headline "Man shot six times in head and lives."  The story started by saying the seventh bullet killed him.  So, the headline was true.
     I did not read the full story of the man from 6,000 years in the future.  But I know what he said, because I too am from the future....150 years, to be exact.
     Among the highlights:
     The Cubs will win the next 108 World Series to make up for all the losing seasons.
     The Bears will win the Supper Bowl in 2019.  Unfortunately, they will not be good enough to play in the Super Bowl, which does not feature eating unlimited pasta at a cheap Eyetalian restaurant.
     Illinois will be redeveloped as a prairie after the last resident moves out in 2050.  Unfortunately, he does not turn out the lights and Com Ed sends him a $1.2 billion bill.
     Electric cars dominate the nation's roadways in 2030.  Their success was made possible by the major petroleum companies purchase of every electric company in North America.
     Tom Brady leads the Patriots to a 73-2 win in the 2110 Super Bowl, becoming the oldest player to ever throw 10 touchdowns in a single game.
     Illinois roads finally get improved to drivable state, unfortunately this does not happen until 2118, well after the last permanent resident leaves.
     Thousands of Wisconsin and Indiana residents will starve in Illinois in the year 2030 after driving hundreds of miles for the best pizza and getting confused because they thought GPS readings meant Great Pizza Stops.  Most ended up  lost and confused in Forgottonia.   (OK, you might want to Google Forgottonia.)
     In 2110 Congress finally decided to ban private ownership of nuclear weapons, prompting an outpouring of dissent from people vowing to give up their nukes only when they were pried from their slightly pinkish seven fingered hands.
     That's my experience from the future.
      I know you will believe everything I wrote because it is on the Internet.
     And don't forget....the Earth is flat, man never walked on the moon, 911 was an inside job, and unicorns and zombies do exist.
     Say Good Night, Gracie.

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