Tuesday, February 6, 2018

slippin and a slidin

Winter driving can be tricky

     There have been some massive accidents on the interstates...it's almost like people don't know how to drive in snow and ice.  45 cars in one accident, 70 in another, 50 in another.....holy cow.  People need to slow down.
     I was waiting to turn off my street today when a car went to turn onto my street and started to skid .... right toward me!  Luckily, they stopped before creaming my car.
     I purposely avoided going to the zoo in January because the uncertain weather.  I am due back Friday, and the forecast is calling for some accumulating snow.  Go figure.
     I was really sad to hear about the death of John Mahoney.  The veteran character actor was most famous for this role as Martin Crane on Frasier.  The obit in the Tribune today talked about how he started late in the acting field and got his break because he was in his 40s.!  Steppenwolf Theater was just starting and all the members were in their 20s.  They needed someone who could be an adult, and had spotted Mahoney in an acting class.
     The rest is theater history.
     I didn't know why he would not appear in Frasier reunions.....but his philosophy was to look ahead, not back.
     I always thought he would be a great person to sit down and have a glass of wine with.  Pat Hughes, radio voice of the Chicago Cubs, is also on that list as is Al Gore, Ellen Degeneres, Tom Skilling, Paula Poundstone, and Michelle and Barack, to name a few.
     I know that will never happen with any of them, and that's OK.
Sometimes I wonder who would like to have a glass of wine with me...before it's too late.
     Speaking of too late.  The apple brandy I mentioned last night has a rebate offer attached.  It expires in December 2016.  I think is has aged well.

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