Thursday, February 22, 2018

cursed, I tell you

I honestly think I am cursed

     I went to watch some American skaters in the finals....and both fell.  One had not fallen in a year, but fell twice in these Olympics...both times when I was watching. In addition to the two Americans, I watched a Canadian skater and she fell.
     So I leave the room and the next skaters are flawless.
     This is not the first time I have noticed my curse.
    Cubs have bases loaded, I leave whatever I am doing to watch and double play, or triple play, or something to end the inning.
    Sitting on my lawnmower, they score.
    Every time I watch the Bulls they blow shots and look terrible.  But then again, they have been terrible when I don't watch them to, so maybe that is not a good example.
     And I watched the Bears this year to see exactly how they were going to screw up, so no curse there. 
     I go to a play and the usually reliable actors forget lines, fall off the stage or fall asleep while awaiting their next cue.  Ok, they don't fall asleep.  Or fall off the stage.  But I have seen them forget lines and mis cues.
    It seems to happen so many times.  I missed the eclipses and meteor showers because of clouds.
    I miss amazing sales because the paper didn't come.
    Maybe it isn't a curse, just bad timing.
    But it just gets frustrating to always be on the wrong end of the game.

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