Friday, February 2, 2018

's no kidding

I believe winter is about to start

     I did have a bit of a scare though.  I looked at the forecast for Monday and it said 18-24.......but that is the temp, not snow.  I can relax.
    I may have set a personal record for this winter.
    I have misplaced two knit Chicago Bears hats.  I had a plain blue knit hat.  That has gone.
     I was reduced to buying another hat last week.
    Today I was in a grocery store in DeKalb and my hat was in the cart.  I paid for the groceries, put the bags in the cart, walked a ways and figured I did not need the cart and picked up the bags.
     I went about 50 feet to the door and realized I did not have my hat.
So I walked back......the cart was already gone!  I did not see a hat anywhere, asked at the service desk and the check out lane  but no one had turned one in.
     So tell me this:  I have had the Bear's hats for several years.  I had the plain blue hat for several years.  How in one year did I lose all three?  And now the fourth!  And it hasn't even been a bad winter!!
     Luckily I still have my really warm Swiss hats....I may need that this weekend!
     I know I do have to get up early tomorrow and go the the eye doctor.....Jackie's glasses fell apart on her way to bed.  The screw is gone and I can't find it, although I did notice a large amount of dog hairs on the floors I cleaned this morning.
     At least when I venture out into the flurries my head will be warm.
     One last item:

     What the heck is going on here?
     I may know the answer, but can't confirm it yet.
     Tell me what you think!
     Now I gotta go write a couple of memos.

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