Monday, February 12, 2018


I may be one piece short

     I am talking about my new puzzle.  I am looking for two pieces, and I can't seem to find matches.
     I looked for color, content, shape.....but nothing fits. 
     In addition I have two pieces that don't seem to fit anywhere.
     Seems like my life is a puzzle, sometimes I fit, sometimes I don't fit.
     I have a puzzle routine.
     I make a cup of instant coffee, grab a cookie, and head to the basement.
     I put on 3 Beatles CDs and then I stare at the puzzle.  Sometimes I find pieces that fit.  Other times I get frustrated.
     After the 3 CDs, I head upstairs.
     I always feel a little more relaxed, despite the frustration.
     I used to use a book in class called Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang.
     If I remember, one of the evil characters in the book worked in a puzzle factory where his job was to remove one piece of the puzzle and substitute a piece from a different puzzle.
     Maybe that is what's happened to me.
     Or, my inability to distinguish faces also applies to puzzles.
     Time will tell.

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