Saturday, February 24, 2018

not again

I said hello to a former student today

     Let's just assume I called him by his right name.
     But if you take u and m out of assume, what's left?
     I have a problem with facial recognition.  That was obvious.
     A bunch of us went to see Second City at the Egyptian in DeKalb.
     It was a funny show and brought back fond memories of our Exit 99 shows.
     Five or four of us, depending on the year, would do an improv comedy show.      I thought we were  very funny,  But I just enjoyed being on stage with the folks and hanging around with them.
     I do miss it. 
    Hopefully we can get together and do a show again, soon. 
    I liked laughing's always a good feeling.
    Cry and you cry alone.  Laugh, and the world wonders what is wrong with you.
    Peace and love to all.

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