Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Rated XXX!!!

I got leid today

    By 3 women!!!  At the same time!!!!
    For some reason, when patients complete their cardiac rehab program at the local hospital, they get presented with a very colorful lei.
    It was my turn today, and I enjoyed it.
    I started this program sometime before Thanksgiving.  Three days a week I use a treadmill, stationary bike, rowing machine and some weights.
    The result?  I started the program at 204 pounds and when I weighed in today I was......204 pounds.  But I lost two inches around my middle, so that counts.
     Hopefully this jump starts me into maintaining a regular exercise regime.  I hope to go three days a week, but my guess is I won't go Friday......there could be a lot of snow on the ground by then.
     And I want to stress how wonderful the folks at the hospital have been....supportive, encouraging, and full of laughter.
     I finished the old bottle of apple brandy last night.  It must be more powerful than I realize, which may explain why I was sweeping up a broken wine glass at 10:30 last night.  After sweeping, I wiped the floor with wet paper towels and then ran the vacuum over it, hoping to get all the little pieces.
     No one got glass in their feet today, so I must have been successful.
     And tonight for supper I used the microwave to heat up stew.  Unfortunately, I blew up a couple of pieces of beef and a potato.  Twice. I  had one hell of a mess in the microwave.
     Now I am just enjoying a hot chocolate ( with a little Rum Chatta) before going to bed.  And I don't intend to drop the cup.
     Stay safe my friends.....snow is on the way.

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