Thursday, February 8, 2018


My vocabulary seems to be shrinking

     "What" is my most often used word, followed by "where is" and its corollary,       "Have you seen my...."  "Sorry" comes up a lot too.
     Example:  Mostly true conversation.

She:  Do we still have some Rum Chatta left?
Me:  What?
She:  Rum Chatta.  Do we still have some?
Me:   Yes, do you want some?
She:   Yes.  And could you get me a cookie too?
Me.   Sure.  Give me a sec.

30 minutes later, this conversation takes place.

She:  Are you bringing me some Rum Chatta?
Me:    What?
She:  Rum Chatta.  You said you would bring me some.
Me:   Oh, yeah.  Sorry.

     It's not like I don't hear her, but I don't hear her.  There is a difference, and every married guy reading that will be nodding his head.
    And I get distracted.  Facebook, fake news, spider solitaire, letting the dog out, letting the dog in.....all of those distract me from the conversation and the task.
     I need to just get up right then and do it. 
     In my defense, I also do it to myself.
     I make lunch, sit down, and don't have a drink.  I get a drink, and forget some other needed item.
     I write stuff down when I go to the store, then lose the note.
    And today, I had 3 different commitments.  In between one and two, I went home and changed clothes.  I realized after leaving commitment 2 I did not have my cell phone.  I found out while leaving commitment 3 I actually did have my cell phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt.
     Now, I had 7 pockets on my coat that I checked, and four pockets on my pants.  But I could not find my phone.  If I hadn't been looking for the grocery list, I never would have found it.  Since it was on silent, it would have been a tough search.
     And shopping without a list?  That is always a challenge. 
    Today it worked out, but the next time will be a different story.
    Sleep tight, shovel light
      enjoy the restful day tomorrow

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