Saturday, February 17, 2018


This was just a strange day

     I was up early, for one.  I don't get up early.  I like to sleep late.
     But I didn't go to bed until 1:15 or now I am tired.
     Plus, I just felt off today....tired, achy, a tummy probably filled with too much cheese fondue and wine.
     So I spent most of the day watching the Olympics.  I can only see one or two sports I would  be brave enough to try.....curling and cross country.
     Skeleton?  Flying down an ice covered track head first, on your stomach, on what looks like a little plastic kids' sled?  No thanks.
     Luge?  Like the skeleton, only you are laying down feet first on your back.
     Or the downhill guys going 60 and 70 miles an hour on the slalom course?      How about the snowboarders doing the half pipe?
     I could do curling.  I would have to have a glass of wine between ends, (no that is not a physical reference) but that would be ok.
    And I have cross country skied in the past, although not at the rates and distances these good folks do.
    But I am good at sitting on the couch and watching tv.
    Too bad I can't earn a medal for that!!
    Go Lindsey and Ted and Nick and Gus!!!!  And women's hockey!!
     Bring home the gold!!

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