Monday, February 26, 2018

real life

Just feeling a bit off today

     I have been doing cardiac rehab since Thanksgiving.  Well, actually I finished two weeks ago, but I have continued exercising three days a week since then.
     I got on the scale today and weighed myself.
     Surprise!!  I weigh the exact weight as when I started.
     Three days a week I am doing 25 minutes of walking, 25 minutes on a stationary bike, 13 minutes on a rower, and weights.  Three days a week!  Not a stinking pound is gone.
     It was suggested I just write down everything I eat during the day.  That will take a couple of sheets of paper.
     For example, I had breakfast.  Fine.  Lunch.  Ok.
     Then I had a couple of bits of chocolate.  Then a Girl Scout cookie.  (By the way, the S'mores are very good.  Don't tell Jackie I have them...she does not know about that box.)
     Then a cup of tea and a couple of graham crackers and another chunk of chocolate. 
     Dinner.  Then a couple of glasses of wine, (what the hell is social drinking anyway?)  And a Girl Scout cookie.  And a couple of chunks of chocolate.  And a couple of graham crackers.
     Notice what is missing?  Fruits...nada.  Self control....long gone.
     I eat when I am sad, anxious, nervous, angry, edgy, bored, of which is me about 99 percent of the time.
     I am positive if I can cut down on the snacking, especially the cookies and chocolate, I might be able to shed a pound or two.
     I just need the right motivation.......and self control.  Or at least restraint.
     I'll keep exercising, at least for the next month or so.  Maybe I'll see some improvement.
     Now, it's time for a bedtime snack.........

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