Sunday, February 25, 2018

and now, nothing

I am a sentimentalist at heart

     Or a hoarder, not sure which.
     But I hate it when things I like end.  Like  Friends, or Cheers, or Frazier, the 2016 World Series, a milkshake made with real ice cream.  And the Olympics.
     When the flame went out tonight, I felt a tug in my heart.  No, it was not a medical issue, just a sentimental thing.
     For the past two weeks Jackie and I have watched a lot of downhill skiing, curling, sledding events of all kinds, snowboarding, ski jumping.... and I will miss the games. 
    I will even miss Tara and Johnny talking about the skaters....even though I did not watch a lot of the figure skating, I saw enough to really start enjoying the commentators.
     I also think I have a little issue with time and the passage of it.  I will be 70 in May, and when the next winter games are on, I will be nearly 74.  That's old.
     And don't tell me 70 is the new 50, it's not.  It's 70.
     I wish I was personal friends with some of the Olympians I seem to know.  It would be great to sit down and have a coffee with them and have them tell about their Olympic experience.
     I can't imagine working for a quarter of my life to earn a chance to compete in the games and then not win a medal.  Knowing I will hopefully have another chance in four years would help, but for some of these people this was it.
     I think it was Lindsey Vonn who said the worst place to finish in the games is fourth, or fifth.  I can understand why; you'd have this "if only" moment that may haunt you forever.
     Anyway, the games are over.  They are all champions in my eyes.
     Peace and love to all.....

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