Friday, February 9, 2018


I had an interesting day

     Not good, not bad, just interesting.
     After I cleared the driveway, I had lunch.  I ate a terrible lunch.  Julia bought some Steak Ums and did not eat them.  So today I fried a couple, then made a grilled cheese sandwich with the Steak Ums in it.
     It was too heavy and too greasy.  It was not a meal someone like me should eat.
     Nine hours later, I am still tasting it.
     Next I helped Jackie make some broccoli cheddar soup.  I cleaned up the kitchen and decided to go for a walk in the woods.
     I bundled up and strapped on my snowshoes and took off.
     40 minutes later I was in the woods with a terrible back ache.  I could barely move.  Did I mention I was in the woods?
     Now, I could call someone, but it would do no good because there is no way to drive a car or anything in to pick me up.
     It was a struggle to get back, no pun intended.
     I walked to the road and took off the snowshoes and slowly walked home.
     Jackie must have been worried because she called but I could not answer the phone with my hands full, gloves on, and the phone in a zippered pocket so I would not lose it.  By the time I got it out, I was almost standing in front of the driveway.
     By then I had been gone 90 minutes, although it felt like four hours.
     I sprawled out on the bed for half an hour, took some ibuprofen,  then went into the shower and let the hot water hit my back.
     Seriously, I have never had pain like that before.
     And I hope I never have it again.
     My spirits were restored by watching the Olympics.  The opening ceremony was pretty cool, especially when the drones formed a snowboarder and then morphed into the Olympic rings.
     And Imagine?  Gotta love it.
     But my favorite part was the brief interview of the USA speed skater, who laughed and danced and giggled because she was in the Olympics and marching in with Team USA.  Her happiness and joy was truly amazing to watch.  I hope she wins a medal.
     Anyway, another day in the books.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

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