Sunday, February 4, 2018

super bowl???

That was a pretty darn good Super Bowl 

     I think I watched most of it.
     I got a little bored with the half time show, up until the tribute to Prince.  Was Timberlake actually singing?  Sometimes it seemed like the words were coming out but his lips were not moving.  And all those people with instruments....I don't think they were playing them either.
     The weirdest part was when he went up into the crowd and had a kid in the stands take a selfie.  Either the kid in the stands was really cool about it, or clueless, because he didn't seem to have much of a reaction.  Maybe he was just overwhelmed.
     I've been reading comments on Facebook about the commercials.  I did not see all the ones that caused oohs or boos.
     But I tell you, I can't stand Verizon, U.S. Cellular, or Turbo Tax commercials.  They just annoy the snot out of me.
     And I love the car commercials where the announcer talks about the beauty of the outdoors while the auto drives through a pristine waterway, fouling the clean waters with dirt and drops of oil and grease from the car.  If you like the outdoors, then don't ruin it by polluting the water.
     My favorite commercial was the Beckham, Manning NFL commercial where they danced.  It was funny and unexpected.
     And I love every commercial for the Olympics....honestly I can't wait to see the opening ceremony, downhill skiing, luge, bobsledding and curling.  Yes, curling.  A sport even I could take part in, if I could walk on ice and sweep for 5 minutes.
     And the game itself?  It was super.  We were wondering how Brady could pull it out with less than a minute to play......turns out, even Tom runs out of magic sometime.
     I didn't watch much pregame, but saw Pink sing the National Anthem and Lesli Odom was amazing with America the Beautiful.  But my favorite part of that performance was a young man in the back row of the choir....I don't think his grin could have been any bigger.
     Now, it's all over but the discussions.  Catch or no catch, in the end zone or out, Wendy's or McDonald's.
     And that's a good point to stop.
     Say good night, Gracie.

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