Sunday, February 11, 2018

snow fun

I took a couple of hikes in the park this weekend

     I put on my snowshoes on Saturday and clomped off into the park.  That did not go as well as I thought it would.
     So Sunday, with another four or five inches of fresh snow, I opted to take a walk without the snowshoes.
     I tell you, my legs got tired.  I found myself walking a little and stopping a lot.
     By the time I got home, my shirt was soaked with sweat!  My hair was wet from sweating and I was bone weary.  My legs still hurt.
     But it was a great day to be out.  I even met one other walker out there and two horse riders when I was leaving the park.
     I bet I sleep well tonight, despite the short nap right before dinner.
     I may have mentioned my paranoia in the past.  Getting up to check doors and windows, having every noise spook me and prevent me from falling asleep.
     On Saturday we had a security system installed.  Jackie thinks I am crazy.
But I did  sleep better.
     Anyway, some pictures from my walks.

Brought to you by the letter P

I was not alone

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