Wednesday, February 14, 2018

no words....again

  I am just stunned

We are the greatest country in the world, yet our children are not safe.
They are not safe at home, on the streets, or in school.
Something is wrong with us, as a people.
We worship guns.  We idolize guns.  We love guns.
And we forget that guns have one kill.
They weren't invented to practice shooting at targets.  They were invented to kill.
Yet we treat them like they are toys.
On second thought, toys are better regulated.
Cars have to be registered, drivers have to be licensed.  In Indiana all you need is an id to buy weapons. And it doesn't even have to be an Indiana id.
It's time we confront the thousands of annual deaths caused by firearms and treat firearms for what they are:  agents of death.
I don't know how some people sleep at night, knowing they have contributed to allowing the single largest killer of school children in our country to continue operating as a loosely regulated industry.
It's time to change.
Something is wrong with us. 

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