Wednesday, February 28, 2018

lights, action, no camera

Saw a great performance tonight

     I went with Emily and John to see Cabaret at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora.
     It was a nice evening.  We had dinner at a little lounge a block away, fish and chips.  The chips were a little cold, but the fish was great!!
Food.... always on my mind.
     The Paramount is a neat old theater that has been renovated.  There are several shows a year plus various other acts, like comedians, musicians and what have yous.  Nice venue.
     And because it is a theater, they can do some pretty amazing things with scenery, like fly it up and out of the way.
     Anyway, Cabaret is there for a  couple more weeks.  If you want a neat theater experience, head to Aurora.
     I asked one of the volunteers who long she had been there.  Only a year.  So I asked another volunteer, and she said 20 years.  I was curious because I have a friend from the zoo who volunteers at a theater.  And while I thought she volunteered at the Rialto, for some reason I thought I was wrong about that.
     So I asked this nice lady if she knew a volunteer named Donna.  (Yes, I used her last name.  No, I did not forget it.)  She paused for a second or two and said the name wasn't familiar, but then there are 250 volunteers and while she might not know the name, she could know the face.
     250.  That too was pretty cool.
     That's all.  Time to take my theater critic/restaurant critic hat off and go to bed.
     Thanks John and Emily for dragging me along.

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